How to come out to your mother, Nita style.

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Leon's POV


"What?" Mom asks, obviously confused.

She slowly says," I'm going to hell because apparently, all gays are going to hell, I'll see them there." It takes a moment for what Nita just said to register. But when it does, mom looks livid.

"I can't be-"

"Enough of that, Amber. Let's go take this somewhere else. No need to get angry over something someone can't control," I didn't realize Dad was home. I can tell he's trying to keep his composure for Nita and me.

"No, I refuse to raise sinners in this house!"

"Well you're still here aren't you?" My jaw drops. I see Nita is trying to stifle her laughs in the background. Amber hears her and quickly turns around to face her.

"Go to your room Nita, I can't believe you just said that. And to your own mother!" Nita walks away slowly. I turn around to slowly go up the stairs so no one notices me.

"You really thought no one would see you?" I hear Nita whisper behind me. My shoulders fall forward.

"I thought maybe no one would see me."

"You're wrong."

"I know."

"Well... um, that was awkward. Not the way I wanted to come out."

"Nita, mom was just being a jerk. And you did great. I'm actually very proud of you. You spoke your feelings and didn't care for anyone else's opinions."

"I've learned not to. And hey, Leon? Thanks for supporting me. I'm sorry I've been a jerk all summer. I've missed you. I guess I was just figuring things out."

"It's okay. Can we go back to being normal now?"

"Of course."


We are in my room listening to Halsey's, "Gasoline" and doing homework. We can hear our parents bickering in the room. I feel bad that this is about Nita. I can only imagine how she feels. I want to come out but the way Mom handled it makes me not want to.

However, I want things to be normal with Nita again. Even if that means coming out. Maybe I should ask Nita again.

"Nita, should I come out to Mom?"

"Hell no! You saw what happened when I did it. She hates me now. And called me so many things that just aren't okay. Just don't. For my sake and yours.

I guess Nita's right. I don't want to make my mom hate me and well, I think Nita's right. If I come out then my whole family could fall apart. And I don't want that.

"So, how did you finally figure out you were gay?" I freeze up.

"Um, well-"

"No need to get secretive, I'm just your sister. I'm not going to tell anyone, I'm not that mean."

"Well, earlier today I may have sort of realized I'm attracted to Sandy," I say quietly. I look over to see her reaction. I notice she's lightly laughing to herself. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. It really took you that long to figure out you had a crush on Sandy. I mean, I knew boys were slow. But damn, this has been in the making for years. Everyone has seen it coming, except for you, Sandy, and mom obviously."

"Does Sandy like me?" I ask without thinking. She looks like she's in deep thought.

"I don't entirely know yet, it was easy to tell with you. You were always gentle around him and much more kind. And that you never had a crush on anyone, it seemed fairly obvious you were gay.

"I can't tell with Sandy. He has always been more comfortable with you. Now, I don't know if it's because he likes you or because you've been best friends since you were three." I stare at her expecting her to say more.

"Well, what should I do? I'm not going to become that person who is in love with his best friend. I could lose him!" I yell at her. She doesn't even flinch.

"Chill out. Don't do anything yet, you two are in a little conundrum right now. So maybe not sprouting your undying love for him is a good idea. But wait a while. Once you repair your friendship, maybe be like, look, Sandy, I'm gay, and I'm attracted to you. I'm not expecting anything from you, I just thought you should know that. And make it clear you aren't going to be creepy about it. Okay?"

"Okay," I responded softly.

"Come here, it's been a long day. And I've missed you these past few months. Come sit next to us and we can watch your Strangest Things show," she says. I shake my head and crawl over to where she's sitting on her bed. She grabs my arm and puts it around her shoulders.

"What do you think dad is going to do about mom?" She asks quietly after watching an episode of Stranger Things, the one where Max and Eleven go shopping and actually bond while the boys are clueless as hell. I look down and see she looks terrified.

"I don't know. Maybe he will persuade her to be supportive. But I'm not sure."

"Leon, look. They are arguing. About me. I don't think this is going to go very well. They haven't gotten along that great lately and now this? I'm worried about them."

"Don't be. Mom is being a jerk. Dad will talk sense into her. He better."

Nita nods.

"Thanks, bro. You really are helpful."

"Anytime... wait, you hear that?"

"Yeah... sounds like mom coming up the stairs. OH NO!"

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