Mortis knows best

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Sandys POV


My heart drops in my stomach. My mom has never dated before. Ever since my dad left me when I was really little things my mom swore herself to secrecy that she would never date again. Now she's breaking that rule.

"Who?" I ask, curiosity forming in each word I speak.

"His name is Mortis. He's a lovely man. He works as a tailor to hem clothing. He has his own little store in the mall called, "Mortis knows best" and he makes clothes as well as fixes them. I've known him for years but I've started feeling more, what's the word? Romantically inclined towards him lately. And I guess he is feeling the same way. He asked me out on a date today and I said yes. So after work, we went to get some coffee and chatted for a long time. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes."

"Congrats mom," I say trying to pump enthusiasm into my voice. I mean, my mom is accepting me for who I am after growing up in a very strict religious family where they didn't really accept this sort of thing. Boys with girls and girls with boys was how they operated. She would always follow their instructions to make them proud of her. She was the angel.

However, Gene was the exception. He wasn't religious like Tara and his family. He believed in love for all even at an early age. I guess I've forgotten that about him since when I was little the only story I heard about him was how he skipped town at 17 to join the Ren fair and didn't go to college and how my mom had always thought he had a mental disorder but I guess not. Because he dropped doing what he loved and went back to college to get a sustainable job for her. They used to not get along, now their bond is stronger than ever.

But my mom always followed the rules. So it's been a huge step for her to start understanding differences. Now she doesn't talk to her parents because she says they raised her wrong and how she wants to be more open like Gene. And she's trying. She really is. That's what I love about her, that she won't give up on the people she loves to make them happy. She's the hardest worker I know and just seeing her try and branch out makes me proud.

I give her a small smile.

"So um, how long have you been seeing this Mortis man you speak of?"

"Well, we went on our first date about a month ago. We made it official about four weeks after, which was today. She said slowly, trying to gauge my reaction. Apparently, what my face was showing wasn't pleasing her.

"A month?" I said, trying to contain my surprise.

"Well, I don't know if it's been a month, it just, sort of, happened," she clears up. I turn around and face uncle Gene.

"Did you know about this?" I am accusing. He looks like he's having an inner battle.

"I'm sorry my boy, but I did. I had to make sure he was a good person." The ground is swaying beneath my feet. They've been lying to me, I realize.

"Why, why didn't you tell me?" I said while looking my mother dead in the eyes.

"Sweetheart, I didn't want to get your hopes up. Say I told you right when he asked me out, but maybe it didn't work out. I didn't want to possibly crush some hope you may have had if it worked out. I felt it was time to date him, but I should've asked you if you were okay with me dating. If you don't want me to date," she inhales deeply, "then that's okay with me, I just want you to be happy. And if you don't want to see me date anyone, then that's okay."

It seemed like a tempting deal. I couldn't imagine my mom with anyone else but herself. And I don't want her to get left again like what my father did. As I recall the past few weeks, even months. She seemed happier, happier than I have seen her in a long time. And if this Mortis guy makes her happy, then I'm okay with her dating him.

"No, no, no. It's okay, you can um, continue dating him. That's okay with me. I'll be fine with it so long as you're happy and nothing, um, what's the word? Awry with him, then, then you can date him," she looks at me like she's unconvinced. I assure her and uncle Gene that I'm perfectly fine with it.

"Okay, well, then thank you, Sandy, it means a lot to me. And you know I love you, just because there's someone else in my life doesn't mean I love you less. Now come here." She opens her arms for her and I give her a hug. She gestures for uncle Gene to come over. "I love you," she whispers in my ear.

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