A backstory... from my worst enemy.

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Leon's POV


(But Jacky's story)

"I was really close with my sister as a kid. She was my best friend. My other half, literally. She was my twin sister. Her name was Josephine. We would do everything together. Of course, like all siblings, we wouldn't always get along, but we would make up in the end.

"One day though, I took my feasting too far. I always had a big mouth, even then, we were only 10 at the time. But I said some terrible things," she stops and I see her tears falling down.

"Do you need a moment?" I trail off. Her head shots up.

"No, I just," she takes another breath, "I just needed to take a break. I need to tell someone this. I physically can't say what I said to her, but they were terrible. If I could take it back, I would. Josie was furious with me. I went to the bathroom to chill out and then I would apologize. But she was so mad, so she packed up her stuff. And when I exited from the bathroom, she was gone.

"I panicked, my parents were in the basement, I told them Josie left. I tried to explain but I was sobbing, they couldn't understand me. We called everyone we knew to help look for Josie, eventually, the police told us it was a lost cause. I grieved for her. I grieved for her for over a year.

"One day, I was at the local park. I was going there with my grandma, and, and, I saw her. I saw her body in the fountain at the park. I just stared at her body in terror. My grandma screamed, I had never heard someone scream louder in my life.

"A few years later, I found out she was kidnapped, and her kidnapper must have not known what to do with the body, so they just disposed of the body in the fountain. On display. For all those kids to see.

"Things went worse after that. My parents started blaming me for her death. I was always the less appreciated one. She was the favorite. I wasn't. They said stuff like it should've been me. Not like I thought about that every day for three years.

"My dad hit me one day. Beat the living crap out of me. When my grandma was home. She was done with them. My mother was a shell at that point. So she never heard any of the things he said to me. She called the police. We moved far away, to a different country. To America, where she lives. My mom went to rehab, and I don't know what became of my father.

"I've been getting therapy and I'm doing much better than I was five years ago. I live with my grandma. Some days it's hard, I get into a void in my head and I feel trapped. And I need to claw my way out. These are the days I lash out the most.

"Today was my sister's birthday. The days leading up to her birthday and death, and the days preceding the death and birthday are some of the hardest days I have to face. I don't mean to act like a jerk, but it happens. And I'm sorry for how I treated you and Sandy. But I feel the need to lash out, so today it was you and Sandy," she finishes. My mouth is open in shock. I can't believe someone had to endure it. And at the tender age of ten!

"Jacky, wow, I am so-"

"Don't say you're sorry," she cuts me off, "it wasn't your fault, you didn't know me. And I'm okay, some days are just hard."

"You should not have had to deal with something like that. Not ever. And, if you, you know, ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," she looks at me, and I see the tips of her mouth turn up into a smile.

"Thank you, that actually means a lot to me. You know, whenever I tell this story to people, they either pity me or look at me in disgust. You're the first person to look at me indifferently. Though, you seem like maybe you hate me less. Which is a plus."

"Well, I'm glad that means a lot to you," I say awkwardly.

"Okay, come on. Enough sentimental crap for today, let's go catch the rest of lunch, I'll just say we were catching up and lost track of time. These people won't care," she says. We both stand up and walk out of the band room and towards the cafeteria.


"Wanna sit over here, Jacky?" I ask after grabbing my lunch tray from the counter.

"Look, lizard boy, just because I told you my depressing story doesn't mean that you have to be my BFF."

"Jacky, look. I'm not gonna pity you if you don't want me to. But now that I know who you are I want a fresh start. I want to get to know you more. Not out of pity. Because I care about you."

"Heartfelt lizard boy. Wait sorry, that was rude."

"You're fine."

"Starting over. Now?"


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