Bull faces a Priest and loses ft. Sandy

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Sandys POV


"I'm home!"

I hear my mom's voice echo across the room. I run to meet her.

"Hey Mom, how are you and..."

My voice trails off as I see my Mom standing with Mortis. I haven't met him except for that time at the mall where he was handing out free shirts to promote business. And he seemed a little.. off. And now he's here, standing in my living room. With my mom.

"Uh.. hi you must be Mortis."

"That I am, child of the moon. That I am."

Child of the moon? What the actual what? That would mean I'm a werewolf. What the heck.

Yeah, I've officially gone crazy. I'm looking into this wayyyy too much. But I mean it's better than other options. Leon calls me sleepy boi.

"So, what do you like to do outside of work?" I ask.

"Well, I like to carve wood. And I love watching ASMR videos. And I also love making outfits for potential movies a friend of mine is writing. And I'm a pretty decent chef." He explains with pride.

I try not to look so stunned. He really has a wide range of interests. Though I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. My mom likes him and he makes her happy. So I should give him a chance.

"Maybe sometime you could show me some of your wood carvings," I suggest. His face lights up.

"That would be simply delightful!"

I look over and see my mom smiling.

Well, at least I'm making her happy.

"Sandy, Mortis, and I were talking about dinner tonight. We would love it if you could join us."

"Sure sounds great. Which place?"

"The Green Turtle."

"Hmm. Never been there. Can't wait!"


As we walk into the Green Turtle, I hear the sound of a glass being smashed and someone yelling. I wince as we walk park the bar counter and see two groups, one in motorcycle helmets and the other group is wearing a cross and one looks like a priest.


"Dad! Stop making a scene! Just give the guys the money and let's get out of here."

The man gives the girl a look of pure hate, then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a wad of bills.


"Yes, Mr. White. Thank you for your kindness. But I do not need this money. Save it for someone greater than yourself.

I'm not joking, the man hands Bull back the money. It was a lot too, so I don't know why he hands it back.

"What?" Is all I can say. My mother looks just as stunned as I am.

"No need to worry, that's pretty common with Bull. He really does not like losing," Mortis replies casually.

"Well then," I say. My mother looks like she's trying to stifle a laugh.

"What do you two want?" Mortis asks. I glance at the menu.

"The hotdog sounds good."

"I've heard the BLTs here are delicious," my mom says.

We order our food and when it comes we eat it. Very exciting, I know. Apparently, Mortis wants to take me to a wood carving class. I was polite and said I'll go. Mom seemed very happy that I was at least attempting to get along with him. When we got home Mortis gave me a hug. It caught me off guard but I returned the hug.

"Goodbye! It was nice to meet you, Sandy!" He shouts as he walks to his car.

When he was out of earshot my mom asked me a question. "So, what did you think of him?"

"Well, he seems nice. I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy. He's a bit on the.." I motion with my finger to my ear and twirl my finger to represent the um LOCO POCO sign.

"Well, he is a bit eccentric, sweetie. But he has a good heart."

"Yea. I'm a bit nervous to go, but maybe I'll like it."

"Maybe! Remember, keep an open..."

My mother's voice trails off as she's walking up to the door of our house, and sees Gene with someone.

That someone is my Dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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