Family doesn't always have to be blood.

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Leon's POV


"Sweetie, I know this will be hard on you. However, I want you to know this has nothing to do with you. This has everything to do with your father and sister. Not you. You are special. And I will miss you the most. I'll try and call every day. I love you and this is going to be so hard."

Jeez, mom. You had to say that? This is tough for me too but it's hard to pretend like what she said about gay people being sinners doesn't hurt. I love her and have always looked up to her as my role model. She would make me happy when I was sad, clear my wounds when I was hurt, make me smile when I was mad, play around when I was down. She was always there for me in every way. She helped me so much.

But now? She makes me feel terrible. She might have helped me when I was younger but now as I'm realizing who I am she can't help me. Or won't. I just wish things could be better and she would accept Nita and me. For now, though it will be a secret till I'm brave enough to tell her.

"Bye Mom. I love you. Have fun in Mexico. Also, can I ask a question?"

"Anything, my little chameleon."

"Why do you hate the LGBTQ+ community?"

She stiffens. But looks at me with love.

"Well, they are sinners. Loving the same sex is not allowed in my religion, nor should it be allowed anywhere. It is a disgrace."


"Because they are selfish. They only care about themselves. They can't have babies, and they are different from us."

Us. Yeah sure. Maybe her, but not me.

"Is different always bad?"

"No. But in this case, it is. They are too different from the normal way of living."

"Are you scared of them?"

My mom looks uneasy. Her lip trembles. I'm confused. Why would she be scared of LGBTQ+ people? They aren't different, they are just people trying to live a life. There is no reason to fear.

"Sweetie, I will miss you. Look after everything for me."

I notice she avoids the question. So I ask again.

"Are you afraid of them?"

"Sweetie, I have to go."

"Are you?"

"I... it's complicated."

" I don't know mom, seems pretty simple to me. It's a yes or no question."

"Leon, I will not be having this conversation with you before I leave for Mexico!"

"It's a simple question!"

"Leon, stop. I'm leaving now, be good while I'm gone, make me proud," she says finally before she walks out of my room.

"Mom!" I call after her, but I see she's already halfway out the door. She just shakes her head at me.

"I love you, Leon, I will try to call you. Good luck in school, bye honey," she wishes me a goodbye.

"Bye," I say surprised she's just going to leave like that.

"You know how she can be," I spin around and see my dad is standing in the doorway.

"But I didn't think she would act like that! It's unreasonable!" I shout.

"Leon, come here." He spreads his arms for me. I lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry this is happening now. What's troubling you?"

"Everything schools weird, and as much as I don't like mom for how she's acting, I don't want things to change. Why do they have to change?" I sob quietly.

"Leon, shh sweetheart. Things will get back to normal. But what's going on at school?"

I take a deep breath before launching into the day's events. I leave out the parts about me liking Sandy

"Wow Leon. I'm so sorry. May I ask a question?"


"What bothers you about Sandy wanting some alone time?"

Oh great. I walked right into this one. Time to come out. This time, I'll do it right.

"Okay, so Dad this may surprise you but..."

"You are gay and you like Sandy?"

I'm speechless. How did my Dad know?

"How, how did you know?"

"Please, Leon. You've never liked a girl. You are kinder around Sandy. You always seem more comfortable around him. You always want to hang around him. It's been obvious you have liked him."

"For how long?"

"two years, Leon. You have been crushing on him for two years."

"I-have I really had a crush on him for two years?" I ask.

"Something around that. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Even if your mother thinks so, it isn't. It's perfectly fine. When your mother told me she was pregnant with you, all I wanted was for you to be happy and healthy. That's all I still want for you.

"Even if being happy and healthy means you're with a boy, it doesn't matter to me. Because I love you, your happiness is one of my top priorities."

"Well, what do you think I should do about Sandy?"

"I'd say give him some space, in a few days you can try talking to him. Don't go overboard and become super clingy though. It won't help. You two will get over this, trust me," he tells me. I mumble a thank you to him. He leads me over to the couch in the living room.

"Why don't we watch some TV, call your sister down, you can pick a show," I shout up the steps for Nita to come down and the three of us sit on the couch. Even if my mother is being unreasonable, at least I have my Dad and sister sitting with me; accepting me for who I am. Family doesn't always have to be blood, I just wish Sandy could be here with me.

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