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Taehyung's Perspective 

Driving through the busy roads, the soft breeze through the window tickled my skin as I continued driving my way to Hanyang University. I had to pull a break for the red signal. I observe people walking and running to their works. People in their old age crossing the road carefully. I rested my elbow on the edge of the window and rested my chin in between my thumb and index finger tapping it lightly, waiting for the signal to go green. 

Jimin called me today in the morning, saying that he forgot the report cards of the students on his desk when I was about to leave for my work. Lucky him otherwise I would have already left for work and he would have been in a bad mood later if the principal ranted him about how irresponsible he is. I chuckled at it, imagining his cute pouty face. Listening to songs from my playlist that I connected to the car through Bluetooth, I was driving towards the Uni after the green signal showed up. That's when my phone suddenly went off startling me. I saw it was Jimin who was calling me. I received. " where are you,Tae?" jimin sounded tensed. " I am almost here, Hyung."  I'll be there in less than 7 mins." I assured. I heard a sigh more like a sigh in relief   " thank god. The meeting starts in ten minutes." I heard him say. " yeah, Hyung I'll be there in time." I re-assured. " yeah, tae. Thank you a lot." I chuckled and said "it's ok, hyung" and the line went off.

After entering the college gates, I parked my car in the lot allotted. I took the stack of report cards with me, I made my way towards the main building. I was walking across the ground. I saw some students being busy in their own world, some studying or taking notes, some staring at me while I'm walking. As I made myself towards the hallway, I didn't actually know where jimin is. There are only a few students in the hallway, busy stocking their books or collecting their books for the next class. 

so, Instead of wandering around the building and being late, I thought it would make sense if I ask any one of the students to guide me towards the principal's office where jimin already was. On my way, I saw a student who collected his books from the locker and was making his way to the class.  Before he scurries away, I went to him and slightly patted his shoulder. The student flinched so hard. He turned his face to me. Not gonna lie, he was so freaking cute. He had long hair, cute pouty lips, big doe black eyes, a big nose, and chubby, squishable cheeks, He looks cuter in his huge baggie jumper and loose sweatpants. I came outta my trance when the aforementioned poked me slightly on my forearm. I chuckled sheepishly hoping that he didn't find me creepy. " w-who are y-you?" I heard him ask. Ig he found me creepy. DUH! he stuttered. "I would like to find my way to the principal's office. I can't find it. could you please guide me till there?" I requested. He nodded slightly and guided me to the principal's office. 

Once I made my where I saw Jimin walking back and forth, fretting in front of the office, and Yoongi trying to soothe him. "JIMIN" I almost yelled. His face visibly relaxed and made his way to me. " Thank god, Tae. the meeting is about to start." he babbled, took the reported cards, hugged me, and his way Inside the room not before I greeted yoongi Hyung. 

I turned around to Thank the student to guided me over, but all I saw was a empty hallway. he might have left because his classes started. I shrugged the thought and started trudging towards my car. I was passing through the hallways but I stopped in my tracks. I heard small whimpers coming from some corner. I made my way towards where the whimpers are coming from. There was an empty classroom. I observed that there weren't many classrooms on the principal's floor. I walked slowly into the classroom. They started getting louder and louder as I walked to see where they are coming from. Once I made it there, My eyes widened. There was the same guy who was who helped me. He was laying on the floor completely balled up. He was trying hard not to Cry but whimpers left his mouth. I slightly shook him and he flinched so hard, backing away until his back hit the wall behind. 

He covered his face with his paws but I could still see his bambi eyes which held fear, tears cascading down his now pink chubby cheeks. I slowly started to kneel down in front of him and tried not to touch him. He was fretting. " Hey, I am no harm. I just want to help you. Tell me what's wrong?" I tried to be as soft as possible. Scaring him is the last thing I wanted to happen. He suddenly burst out into tears. he uncovered his face. I could see a small cut on the corner of his lips. Blood oozing out a little. " H-hh-hurwts"he mumbled. I couldn't really get it. "huh?" He suddenly started shaking his head. "It H-hurts" he prattled a little louder this time. " Does it hurt?" I tried to confirm. He nodded. "Where does it hurt?" he pointed out his lips and stomach. He patted the latter's hair lightly, not wanting him to startle or flinch trying to soothe him. Then it clicked to me that someone might have bullied him physically. 

standing up on his feet, I tried to help the brunette. I put my arm around his shoulder and tried getting him up. The brunette held onto my hand tightly for support. we made our way towards the nurse's office. As we entered in, the nurse came up to us and helped me by holding onto the brunette's other side, walking him to the bed. Once the brunette was settled on the bed, the nurse immediately scurried away to get the required medicines. I stood by the bed watching the younger carefully on the bed. the nurse returned with few medicines, healing cream, anti-bacterial ointment, few cotton balls, and tweezers.

"where did you get hurt this time?" the nurse deadpanned. I was shook. she Talked as if it's the most common thing that happens but I didn't utter in between. " I f-fell off from t-the s-staiwrs and hurt-t myself on-n the sto-m-mach" he clearly lied and pouted cutely looked up me with his big glossy eyes. "Aww, isn't he too cute." I was confused. I didn't understand anything.Do they bully him regularly?? why is he lying?? A train of thoughts filled my head." I see" the nurse monotoned. she was done wiping off his blood and started applying the anti-bacterial ointment onto his lips. Once she was done with the lips, she tried to lift his shirt up but the brunette beat her to it. I cocked my head to look at him but he was already staring at me with his wide doe eyes and a faint blush that crept on his face. Then I looked to see the nurse but she was already staring at me as well. I got it. He was shy to lift his shirt in front of me. "I'll wait outside," I said and made my way towards the nurse's table. It took around 6 mins for the nurse to come out with her tools. "How is he?" the nurse sighs " he is fine, he needs some rest. I gave him pain killers which will make him drowsy for an hour or two." the nurse says sadly.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you talk as if he hurts himself regularly?"I questioned. the nurse looked at me for a sec " This is not the first time I found him this way and I also know that he didn't fall off the stairs. He was lying back there. I, myself found him laying of the hallways 3-4 times. I'm pretty sure that he is getting bullied by the bratty kids. He never reports them thinking that they might hurt him harder and he never lets me do to it either. He endures it. He is the most innocent soul I've ever seen in my life. he barely talks." she answered with too much information. I honestly felt so bad for him. Poor boy must be going through so much. He looks so fragile and brittle. Makes me wanna hold him securely and protect him from all the bad things in the world. I shook my thoughts away as I was thinking way to much.

"what about informing this to his parents?" I questioned again "Never have I ever heard anything about his parents. He is so quiet that he has no complains on him.So, there was never a need to call his parents to the Uni."she answered. I frowned nodding understanding. " well. I forgot to ask you. who are you? I never saw you in the premises." she inquired. "oh yeah, I'm jimin's friend. I came here to give his forgotten files and when I was going back, I heard him whimper in an empty class room hurt. so I brought him to you.

" Jimin as in Mr. Park?"

" Yes" 

"oh alright"

"well then, I'll make a move. Take care of him" I said and made my way towards my car. I mentally noted to call namjoon hyung to inform that I'll not be able to go to the office and I'll work from home today as it was too late to go there. 

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