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After closing the door shut, they started walking in the hallway out towards the garage. Jimin had bags in his hands and taehyung held jeongguk who was wobbling cutely holding the elder's hand. Taehyung's other hand was occupied with Jeongguk's bag of essentials. He would never think of forgetting that bag. (hope you remember all the things the bag has for Jeongguk).

Three of them made their way to Yoongi's house as the aforementioned invited them for lunch followed by dinner. 

Taehyung has apologized for his behaviour the other day to jeongguk who immediately accepted his apology.  Taehyung knew that the younger still felt bad about his own behaviour and couldn't argue because his apology was already accepted. So, he took off for 4 days from his office to spend time with the younger who was beyond happy. 

They had a movie marathon on the first day. On the second day, the elder took the younger to a fancy restaurant followed by the Park in the evening. On the third day,  They had gone to a theatre to watch the new release - 'Spiderman- No way home'. The younger kept squealing in the theatre as he couldn't contain his happiness to see one of his favourite Marvel characters on the large screen and taehyung couldn't be happier after seeing him happily giggling and squealing. Yesterday, The fourth day was Saturday itself.  Taehyung took jeongguk to a arcade. They won so many prizes but the younger one started crying when was played the virtual reality game. He thought that he was really falling down from the huge building which scared him. He started wailing and kept reaching for taehyung who immediately carried him and rocked him to calm him down. Later, he had to get Jeongguk a new iron man funko pop. Jeongguk immediately stopped crying as he started playing with his new toy. 

Taehyung had a difficult time getting jeongguk to sleep the night before. Even after being placed on the bed, the youngster refused to close his eyes. He was unusually hyperactive. He continued to converse with his new toy. Taehyung merely laid next to him, listening to Jeongguk talk about everything and anything to the iron man funko pop. When the younger was being rocked to sleep, he threw tantrums. He continued to thrash around in Taehyung's grip. Eventually, Taehyung simply laid next to him and hugged him, placing his face in the crook of younger's neck on the shoulder and listening to his diatribe till he fell asleep holding the toy close to his chest while cuddling Taehyung.


"Taetae, water," Jeongguk asked when he was being buckled in the backseat. "Thirsty already, huh." Taehyung pinched his cheeks as he gave his sippy water bottle from the bag and helped him drink holding his nape. Jimin settled himself in the passenger seat after placing his bags in the boot. Taehyung drove off to yoongi's house after setting the bag as well. 

"Kookie went to pwark and bwought gwold fish and bwig shark pwushie." Jeongguk said to the iron man toy he was holding. Taehyung looked at him for a second through the mirror with a fond smile on his face. "He still didn't stop talking to the toy?" Jimin asked amused.

"Hyung, you're right. He didn't do it. It had been a long night the night before. Even after being laid, he couldn't sleep. I cradled him in my arms, but he screamed that he didn't want to sleep. He began to shed crocodile tears. So I simply put him down on the bed and listened to him explain everything that had happened since the beginning to his new toy. He complained about me for not purchasing him ice cream, cokes, how I overlooked him the other day, how he didn't like Jay, and even asked the iron man toy to punish me using his abilities." Taehyung pouted and turned to face the eldest passenger in the vehicle, who was now laughing at Jeongguk's request.

"Stop laughing, hyung," Taehyung whined and slightly hit the elder's shoulder. "How can I not!? You guys are hilarious sometimes!" Jimin laughed again.  Taehyung just shook his head and lightly punched his hyung's shoulders before he resumed to concentrate on the road. 

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