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Third Person's Perspective

It's the weekend. It means a break from all the busy schedules, a stack of papers, annoying kids, work pressure, and whatnot. The only two days where you chill, rest, enjoy, sleep, drive, eat but luck wasn't on taehyung's side today. Let us say, since last night.

Ever since taehyung came back from his work and had dinner, jeongguk was in his big space. He was quiet as usual. But when he came back to the hall after a talk with the landlord who also had his small grandson with him, Jeongguk suddenly slipped into his headspace. He slipped to be a 4 year old this. He became extremely clingy and stubborn. 

He didn't sleep and didn't let teahyung sleep too. He clung to taehyung as his life depends on him. After a long restless day, all taehyung wanted was a good sleep but Jeongguk was his first priority. Jimin felt bad for his friend so he accompanied him by staying awake with taehyung and jeongguk though taehyung denied it. They watched a movie with jeongguk doing whatever on taehyung's lap. 

Taehyung tried to put him to sleep by cradling him, swaying him from side to side, making him drink some milk and also playing with him to make him tired and sleep but all his attempts were futile. He never saw Jeongguk being so energetic. when he asked him to sleep he started throwing all his toys on the floor and thrashing around so the elder didn't force him further.

It was Saturday and taehyung already called nana to inform her that they won't be able to go to her cuz their friends are coming over for a sleepover. 

He was laying on the couch being restless cuz Jeongguk slept at 6 in the morning. It was Now 8:30 am and their friends will be here by lunch. As soon as Jeongguk slept, Jimin went back to his room and slept as well. Taehyung couldn't sleep anymore so he just was laying on the couch staring into space. 

He was brought back out of his trance when he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door only to see his Jin hyung standing by the door smiling at him.

"hyung, What are you doing here so early? you guys are supposed to be here for lunch." Taehyung asked while hugging his hyung.

"I know, tae. But I thought I could help you with cooking and I couldn't wait to meet your boyfriend!" Jin said while walking in.

"I also bought him some candies and cookies. I wasn't sure of what he liked so, I hope he likes it." Jin added. 

"Oh, you shouldn't have hyung. we already have enough candies at home. Anyways, Thank you. he will like it." Taehyung said placing the candies in the drawers. 

"So, How is he doing?" Jin asked while drinking water. " where is Jimin by the way?"

"He is doing fine, Hyung. But yesterday, he was a bit cranky. He didn't sleep all night. So, Jimin and I were awake all night. He slept in the morning at 6. Jimin is in his bedroom, sleeping. He was tired as well."  TaeHyung explained.

" Sounded like a long night," Jin exclaimed worriedly.

"A very long night. I just didn't understand what made him so cranky all of a sudden. When I asked him, he just ignored the question with an angry huff." Taehyung said before yawning. 

"You should go sleep, taehyung, at least for an hour before everyone is here," Jin suggested caressing younger's hair. "I'll take care of the food and other things and it's a sleepover today. You'll be sleep-deprived." Jin added.

Taehyung thought for a while and nodded. He trudged to his room and plopped down beside jeongguk who was cuddling his bunny plushie to his chest. He covered himself with the same duvet as jeongguk. 

He carefully removed the plushie from his hold and put it aside. He snaked his arms from beneath jeongguk's shoulder and brought him close to his chest. It didn't take a second for jeongguk to latch completely on taehyung. Nevertheless, the elder held him tight to his chest, admiring his features as always. The way his lips formed an 'o' shape when he slept as his cheeks get squished to the pillow, his soft snores, The way he has to cuddle something when he is asleep when the older is not with him, long lashes softly resting on his cheekbones, the way he clutched elder's shirt into a fist, his long fluffy hair on his forehead makes him look 10x daintier. Never in his life, he would regret having jeongguk. He will treasure him at any cost. With a soft smile, he closed his eyes to sleep with a precious boy in his arms.

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