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The evening passed by a movie marathon. Jeongguk dozed off while watching the movie so taehyung tucked him in the bed. The Others binge-watched "call me by your name", "five feet apart", " your name engraved herein". 

It's 7:30 in the night and all of them are currently watching "all the bright places". Taehyung has engrossed in the movie until he heard faint sounds coming from his room. He got up from the couch quietly and walked towards his room and was met with jeongguk who was stirring on the bed, kicking his duvet away and mewling. 

"Are you up, baby? Or do you wanna sleep more?" Taehyung asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "TaeTae" Jeongguk softly muttered. "Hungwy" He added.

 "C'mom, let's feed that little stomach." Taehyung said picking up jeongguk in his arms and walking to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of banana milk and a plate of 2 less spiced sandwiches that he made for jeongguk in the afternoon, knowing that he would get hungry in the evening. 

He brought them to the living room and set them on the teapoy for the time being. the elder sat down on the ground beside yoongi hyung in an Indian sit position. he made jeongguk sit on his lap who also started watching the movie. he fed him the sandwich little by little until he was done. Then jabbed the straw into the bottle to Jeongguk who started drinking it immediately.

 Taehyung made jeongguk sit in between his legs, back hugging him, kissing his little one at random outta uncontrollable love. He was resisting himself from biting his cheeks. They just look so chubby from taehyung's point of view. AND Taehyung couldn't get his mind off the kiss. He was overwhelmed, he may or may not want to do it again. He was soo lost in thoughts, smiling at the memory, and didn't hear others calling him. 

"ae..Tae..TAE." taehyung was brought back from his dream when yoongi yelled in his ear making him flinch. 

"w-what happened, hyung?" 

"we've been calling you since forever. What were you dreaming about?" yoongi asked narrowing his eyes at taehyung. 

"Nothing, hyung. Just things." taehyung said laughing sheepishly. "Do you need something, hyung?"

"We are ordering dinner. What would you like to have?" Yoongi asked. 

"I'll 2 chicken Burgers and a large coke, hyung." Taehyung replied. "Would like to have something too, baby?" taehyung asked jeongguk who was looking at him already nodded. 

"nuggies." He said quietly. 

"Hyung, Order Jeongguk a plate of chicken nuggets and hot chocolate." taehyung asked yoongi who nodded.

"Nwo, Kookie wan' coke too." jeongguk asked looking at taehyung with a pout. 

"No Coke for you kookie, You already had cold banana milk earlier. You'll catch a cold if drink something as cold as a coke." Taehyung said sternly. jeongguk started thrashing around when taehyung denied his request. 

"NOO..KOOkIE wants CWOKE!" Jeongguk started to yell and was trying to get off from taehyung's hold. 

"Jeon Jeongguk." Taehyung raised his voice a little for the first time but was enough to slightly scare jeongguk who now had tears welling up in his big doe eyes with a huge pout. 

"You can get him coke for this time, tae" Jimin whispered to tae, feeling bad for jeongguk.

"No, Hyung he had enough of cold items. He'll get sick." Taehyung argued back. No one said anything after that. Jeongguk had his little tears rolling down his cheek and his were wobbling. Everyone there felt bad but what Taehyung said was also a point. 

Taehyung sighed softly looking at jeongguk and brought him closer to his chest. He kissed his cheek and wiped his tears away. "Kookie, taetae is sorry. Taetae doesn't want kookie to get sick. we will have coke some other day. Ok?" taehyund said rubbing the youngers belly to calm him down. 

"Pwomise?" Younger asked looked at him with Bambi eyes. "promise, baby" Taehyung assured him before pecking his now red nose. 

The Order was finally placed and it'll be here in 45 mins. So, everyone started continuing the movie.

Jeongguk turned his body around and straddled taehyung. He hid his face in the crook of taehyung neck and taehyung let him be the way he wanted. After a few mins, Taehyung felt something wet on his neck. He thought jeongguk was drooling but no. Drooling doesn't feel like that. He looked around to see everyone concentrated on the movie. He tried to pull Jeongguk away from himself but the younger doesn't let him and holds tighter. It hit Taehyung that the younger was softly sucking and licking on taehyung's neck. Taehyung's eyes widened. He was witnessing so many unusual things since yesterday. 

Taehyung was trying his best to control his heavy breath. He doesn't want anyone to notice this. He shut his eyes tightly. His stomach started feeling weird. Nope! He wasn't horny. He was Just feeling some typa way. He wasn't uncomfortable either. Like people say, Butterflies in their stomach. It's that feeling.

 He is also aware of the fact that Jeongguk was not giving him a hickey and Jeongguk would never take an initiative. But, we never know. It was jeongguk who initiated their first kiss though technically it was just a long peck. It was their first kiss. They gave their first kiss to each other. One of the best feelings on the planet. 

Taehyung could feel a wave of heat rushing to his neck and ears. He had a hue on his cheeks. He looked down at his lap to cover it. He was biting on his lip to not to make any weird sounds. He started to rub jeongguk's back when he felt that younger was sucking harder than he did. He immediately pushed himself up from the ground with the boy in his arms and sprinted towards their room. "I'll be back, hyungs" he didnt let them to respond walked strainght to his and closed the door shut. 

He went and sat on the edge of their bed. "Jeongguk, Are you ok?" He gently asked. He didnt respond. Is he in his baby space? It could be. Its been a couple of months since he last regressed into baby sapce. But what should he do?? He kept thinking until it hit him. Pacifier!! Where is it ?? He looked around the room to find it on the bedside stand.

He leaned over to the table to reach it. He struggled a little with the boy in his arms but caught it eventually. He called the boy who was softly sucking onto his skin.

"Kookie, look I have the Paci. Do you want it?" He said moving it infront of jeongguk's face. The younger moved his head to look at the object. Once he recognized the object, he reached for it and put it in his mouth and quietly  layed his head on his caregiver's shoulder.

Taehyung has always kept the Pacifiers at jeongguk's reach knowing younger would be shy to ask him directly. If he didn't have them on reach, jeongguk keeps teething his sweater or shirt paws. So, whenever he saw jeongguk teething his paws, taehyung would quietly place the pacifier on the teapot, or on the study desk, or on the dining depending on where jeongguk is sitting and how easy it is for him to see it.

Taehyung sighed. He made jeongguk lay down on the bed who whimpered dude to loss of warmth.

"Kookie, I'll be back in few minutes, bub. Stay here. Ok?"  He said getting up from the bed walking towards the bathroom.

He looked himself in the mirror and traced his fingers on the red mark on his neck. He smiled at it though its gonna leave blue purple marks the next day. Well, it's jeongguk who did that. How can he not smile.

"Taehyung! Food is here. Come here to the hall with jeongguk." He heard Jimin's faint voice through the doors.

"Coming!" He responded back yelling as well.

And the night, they spent talking, playing uno, getting drunk, Namjoon flirting jin after getting drunk and yoongi just staring at jimin who was blabbering as he was heavily drunk
Taehyung having high alcohol tolerance was just starting at jeongguk who was busy coloring on the ground. And there was hoseok who had already passed out on yoongi's lap.


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