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Jeongguk's Perspective

Taehyung hyung and I are settled in the car. He played a lofi-playlist which turns out to be my favorite one." this is my favorite playlist, hyung" I exclaimed without stuttering this time." oh, really. I'm glad that I picked the right playlist then." hyung said as he smiled. " can you type the route on the GPS, Jeongguk." hyung asked and I nodded. I promptly typed the correct address in the GPS and saved it. "Alright, off we go." I heard hyung say and we sped off to our destination. 

On our way to nana, Hyung stopped the car by the cafe. He got out of the car and went in. I subconsciously pouted cuz he left me alone in the car and I'm bored. After 15 mins hyung came back with a drink in his left hand and a box in his right hand. Once he got himself in the car, he gave me that box." I bought that for you. I learned that you love chocolate so I bought you Chocolate cheesecake." hyung said while he rubbed the back of his neck. "hope you like it" he added as I opened the box." like It? I love it. Thank you hyung" I acknowledged without stuttering today again and grinned widely. He ruffled my hair and started driving again as I got busy having my dessert and enjoying the sight of the busy city.

Taehyung's Perspective

It took us 30 mins to reach here. when Jeongguk and I got down of the car, he rapidly ran inside outta excitement, leaving me there all by myself. I sighed and made myself in as well. Once I was in the hallway, I tried to find jeongguk. There were around 30-40 children of different ages playing around and messing around with each other. Is this some kind of a boarding school or the dorms?? dang it !! I should have read the board outside. I went to the front desk to inquire about jeongguk. " hello, May I know in which room Jeon Jeongguk lives in?? The front desk lady's smile suddenly flattered. " Jeon Jeongguk, the fully grown ass man who still behaves like a child? ewww why would a handsome man like you would want to meet a guy like that?" she replied being awfully annoying. I lost my cool. " first of all, you are not supposed to bitch about the residents here to any visitors. second of all, it's none of your business to know why someone has come for. proper identification would be enough. Third of all, learn to respect people for who they are. It wouldn't take me a minute to report you and kick you out of here." I beckoned and snarled at her with gritted teeth and a slight rise in my voice. she hung her head down out of shame. " tell me where jeongguk is ?" I rudely asked cuz she clearly doesn't deserve the respect I was supposed to give her. "ro-room no. 238, 2nd floor." I made my way up without giving a glance at her. what a bitch she is. 

I took the elevator to the second floor and found room 238. I snorted and gently knocked on it. I heard a faint "coming". the door was opened by an elderly woman in her early 60's. "Hi" I mentally facepalmed myself for being impolite outta nervousness." Taehyung? is that you?" the woman asked me. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm Taehyung. are you nana? Jeongguk's grandmother?" I asked outta curiosity. " come on in, taehyung. Jeongguk is crying thinking that you are lost somewhere and has slipped into his headspace." my eyes widened when I heard her. " where is he?" I asked being impatient. " he is in his room. come on, ill lead you there," she said and led me towards his room. when I opened the door, I saw jeongguk bawling his eyes out. I felt so bad for him so I immediately approached him " Jeongguk, why are you crying?" I gently asked and sat beside him. "Tae tae hyungie" he shrieked and threw himself on me. we were about to fall down but I immediately balanced both of us on the bed. " why are you crying, jeongguk?" I asked again.        " kookie thwougt you were lwost. kookie was scwared." I tried not to laugh at his statement because he was the one who ran inside and left me all by myself. I lifted him from the bed and made him straddle me. I rested my back on the headboard. Jeongguk rested his head on my shoulder." why were you scared, jeongguk? you never said that we are friends cuz friends are the ones who care about each other" I teased and immediately regretted cuz he started wailing again." kookiw is sowwy tae tae hyung. kookie was scared. kookie thwought tae tae hyung dwon't wan' bwe fwends wid' mwe." he said as he sniffed " awww. its ok, sweetheart." I said bouncing him on my lap to calm him down. "tae tae hyung,  wo-would lwike to bwe fwends wid' kookie.?" he cutely asked tilting his head a little. " of course, I would love to befriends with you, jeongguk." I said happily and he giggled. "tae tae hyung" I nodded saying that I'm listening. " my nwame ish kookie not jeongguk." he said shyly. I made an 'O' shape showing that I'm amused. he let his index finger in my mouth and I playfully bit it. he started whining and fell into a fit of giggles. 

Our little moment was interrupted when the door opened as nana carried two cups of coffee on a tray. she passed me a cup and I carefully took it. she sat on the edge of the bed and sipped her coffee. " is he fine now?" nana asked as she pointed at jeongguk. I looked at the little boy in my arms who now rested his head on my shoulder, biting on his sleeve and looking at nowhere in particular. I gently rubbed his back and nodded at her question.

"He is an orphan."  

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