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"Did he eat?" Jimin asked taehyung when he came out of his room. Taehyung just sighed and shook his head. He ducked his head down and plopped himself on the couch. He was tired. 

"Taehyung, if this continues, he will be a victim of fatigue! and you know that, right?" Jimin exclaimed being worried. "I know, hyung. I can't force him at the same time. it's not the right time." Taehyung whispered being equally worried for the little one. 

"Did you try talking to him?" Jimin asked and Taehyung responded with a mere nod "I did! I tried my best. He asked me to leave him alone." Taehyung uttered and rubbed both of his hands on his face in exhaustion. 

Taehyung and Jimin had already been sitting in quiet for a few minutes. No one said anything until they heard faint cries from another room. When Taehyung heard them, he turned his head towards the chamber. He inhaled deeply. "It hurts me to see him weep, hyung." Taehyung's voice cracked as he fought the impulse to cry. "I feel terrible because I can't assist him." He hid his face in his hands, trying not to cry as he listened to the agonising screams. 

" I feel awful because he is pushing me away," Taehyung mumbled. Jimin couldn't help but look at him with sad eyes. He brought himself closer to the younger to hug him. "everything will be alright, ok! It's the most hurtful phase everyone passes through." Jimin whispered gently rubbing the younger's back. Taehyung hugged the elder back because he was hurt as well. He needed comfort as well. 

"I'm scared that it might affect his health, hyung. He hasn't slipped for 2 weeks straight."  Taehyung spoke with a voice laced with sorrow. " I know, I know. we will look into it." Jimin spoke assuringly as he comforted the younger until they heard loud noises from the room. Taehyung immediately pulled back and looked at the door with wide eyes. He looked back at Jimin who had the same expression before rushing towards his room. As soon as he slammed the door open, he was shocked. Everything was scattered everywhere. Books, files, chairs, curtains were broken. He looked up to see Jeongguk throwing a vase in anguish. 

"JEONGGUK, STOP!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Looking at the chaos, Taehyung yelled in terror. He heard the vase break into fragments as soon as he uttered it. "Jeongguk, you're hurting yourself," Taehyung cried, his gaze falling on the younger's palm, which was covered in blood. "Hyung, leave me alone." Jeongguk deadpanned, his tears continually streaming down his cheeks, and he appeared weak. "This is not how you deal with critical issues, Jeongguk." Taehyung attempted to approach the youngster by strolling cautiously through the shattered items. Right now, he couldn't care less.

" Leave me alone." The younger said again, looking dead in taehyung's eyes. "Jeongguk, Let me help you," Taehyung spoke softly, walking to the younger who was walking back. " Go back, Hyung. I don't want to talk to you." the younger said looking around for more things in desperation. "kookie, baby, calm down!" Taehyung said trying to hug the younger. "STAY AWAY!" Jeongguk yelled with rage, startling taehyung with his actions. "STAY AWAY, TAEHYUNG!!!!" younger screamed again in agony. He never called the younger by his name but today. Taehyung was shocked by his actions was an understatement. He had wide eyes and mouth ajar. He just raised his hands a little, showing that he was no harm to him and took few steps back. 

"k-kookie, you are bleeding." He gently spoke again, looking at his wound. "Don't you understand! I asked you to STAY AWAY!" Jeongguk screamed throwing the lamp in the process. A new stream of tears was flowing every time he wiped them. Bloodshot eyes with a swollen face, looking vulnerable than ever. A dozen emotions flowed through his mind. Pain, sadness, regret and Guilt, those strong emotions he could feel. He was visibly shaking, scaring taehyung. His hands shivered as he swallowed thickly. He couldn't do anything, not anymore. He felt dizzy, as the world stopped around him. It stung. " I'm scared." He mumbled as he cried hysterically, bringing his fist to his chest. 

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