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Third person's Perspective

It has been 3 weeks since Jeongguk signed the required documents and shifted in with me. Jimin being shocked was an understatement. He did expect them to end up together but didn't expect such quick progress between jeongguk and taehyung. Nevertheless, he was the happiest. Jeongguk took his time to adjust to his new household. Sure, as taehyung promised, they met nana every weekend. They spend the whole time with her. 

Days were still the same expect few things. Jimin now takes jeongguk to school and brings him back home safely in his own car and taehyung goes to his work in his own car. Taehyung still tutored Jeongguk with his studies but this time it was just not Commerce and accounts but all subjects. Both Jimin and taehyung were happy about how Jeongguk grades had gradually shown progress.

 And as taehyung expected, Jeongguk resisted slipping into his headspace. Jeongguk was way too shy to be in his headspace in front of jimin and the latter felt bad for him. Taehyung assured jimin that it was not his fault and it is all about warming up. But somewhere in the corner, taehyung was worried about the younger cuz he might have severe headaches if he resisted himself for too long. 

So here was taehyung in a supermarket, buying things to spoil his little one and try slipping him into his headspace.

Taehyung's perspective

It's Saturday today. A weekend off. I can spend my time with my little one for 2 days. I am here at the supermarket, throwing whatever I see into the cart. I just want to spoil my precious baby. I've already added a lot into my cart like chocolates, candies, a box of banana milk, cream rolls, ice cream tubs, cookies, almonds, Few other flavored juices, few stuffies, and few groceries to stock them. Jeongguk is at home spending his time with jimin probably learning his arts. Once I'm done with the billing, I put 3 huge bags in my car trunk. I got into my driving seat and sped off. 

While driving I heard a little ding. It was a notification from my phone. I fished my phone out to see what it was. I Pushed up the notification just to see a reminder that it's Jeongguk's appointment day. We planned on going for a full body checkup on jeongguk. It was fixed at 5 pm this evening. I sighed and drove back home. 

I stepped into my house to be met with silence. I put the huge bags on the island and slowly searched for jimin and jeongguk. they were not in the hall, neither in the kitchen nor in the other two rooms including my room. There was only one room left. It's Jimin's. I slowly opened the doorknob to be met with Jimin explaining something pointing at the book with his pencil that was carefully listened to by Jeongguk. Not wanting to disturb them, I was about to turn around only to be called by someone " Tae, you are back?" " yeah, hyung. I just came home." I said and walked into the room finally. I saw Jeongguk smiling at me. I walked towards where he was seated, lifted him up by his arms, sat on his chair, and put him on my lap.  "What was my kook doing ?" I asked and kissed his cheek. " well, kook and I were learning theoretical arts today." jimin said looking at his watch. " it has been almost 2 hours since we started." he ended. " wow~~~kook you did a job!! I exclaimed ruffling his hair. " thank you, hyung" he muttered shyly. " c'mom I bought so many for your favorite foods today. wanna eat?" as soon as I said that Jeongguks eyes lit up and quickly nodded his head. I got up and carried kook on my hip and trudged towards the kitchen followed by Jimin. 

I sat kook down on the island and Jimin and I started unpacking them. In the process, we came across a lot of junk food, candies and so many but they suddenly heard a shriek. we looked around just to see Jeongguks eyes sparkling looking at something. we followed his sight just to see he was looking at banana milk. Well, I bought a huge box of small cartons of banana milk to stock them in the fridge. It was a box of 45 cartons of banana milk. I know he loves it. " NANA MILK." he squealed again but differently. I looked at jimin with wide eyes and grinned at him FINALLY! I thought. He finally slipped. TaeTae, cwan kookie have nana mwilk?? he asked me with his doe eyes. "Sure, kookie. you can have as much as you want" I said as I took a carton of milk and poked the straw into it and gave it to him. Afterwards, Jimin and I got busy stocking our kitchen with essentials. 

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