Sixx A.M

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Tommy drove us to his house...And man, I wasn't ready for that. It was a big welcoming house full of lights and joyful things.

"We're homeeeeee" Tommy shouted a bit

"Can you not shout?" I said laughing getting out of the car

"Sorry and um... My parents are a bit too welcoming" He said rubbing his neck

"What? You brought me to you're parents' house?" I asked way too nervous

"You'll be just fine, they'll love you," He said putting an arm around my shoulder

"Alright T-Bones no need to do all of this chill," I said playfully pushing him

"Let's go in shall we?" He said laughing, stepping near the door

"Diver down captain," I said giggling

He opened the door and a smell of a sweet Cherry pie was now attacking my nose.

"I'M HOME" T-Bone yelled

A minute later a girl that was about 14 years old came running to Tommy, she was pretty but fucking pretty.

"Tommy I know you stole my pants again I swear I'm gonna- who's this?" Her little sister asked with a smirk


"I'm Tommy's best friend nice to meet you," I said smiling widely

"Athena," She says before hugging me

"Athena stop! You're making this super weird" Tommy said crossing his arms

"I don't mind," I said chuckling hugging her back

"Well, another girlfriend?" An adult said.

"Dad! She's our singer  in the band I talked to you about stop it for Christ sake" He said as he sighs

"So she's the girl you keep talking about" His mom joined popping her head out of the kitchen

"Oh really?" I asked turning around to look at him with a smirk

"Y/n, cut it," Tommy said making a serious face

"You're just in time for dessert Y/n is that it?" Her mom said smiling

"Yes, Y/n, Y/l/n," I said smiling a bit

"Ouhh that's a nice name, where does it come from?" She asked as Tommy and I walked closer to the kitchen

"Germany," I said smiling as Tommy and his sister sat down at the table messing around with each other.

"That's nice, I have an uncle that lives there," She said smiling putting the Cherry Pie on the table

"Thanks, Mom," Tommy and Athena said both in union

"Thank you," I said smiling while sitting down

"So, We heard a lot about you" His sister giggled


"No, tell me more," I said cutting off Tommy

"Thomas said you had the voice of an angel," His dad said smiling

"Please sing for us," His sister said smiling


"Please Y/n," Tommy's mom said

"Alright, well do you guys have an acoustic guitar?" I said smiling

"Coming right away!" Tommy said getting up and running upstairs

"He likes you" His sister whispered in my ear smiling

Tommy came back with a guitar, I winked at his sister and sat down with the beautiful blue acoustic thing that looked just like the one that my dad used to have.

"Alright so I wrote this not too long ago," I said clearing my voice while his sister sat down in front of me on the ground.

"Ouhh what is it called?" His dad asked exited

"Merry-go-round," I said smiling

"You know he's gotta get away
To the merry-go-round and round
Count the times that he laid awake at night thinkin'
Am I going down now?
Am I going down?
Am I going down now? OohIt's not easy putting on a smile
You're alone, lost and found
She waits home alone just to love him through the night, thinking
He's been gone so long
Is he coming home?
He's been gone so long now, oohMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round you know he's gotta get away
To the merry-go-round and round
Count the times that he laid awake at night thinking
Am I going down now?
Am I going down?
Am I going down now? OohMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundMerry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and round
Merry-go-round and roundWaits home alone
Just to love him through the night
I'm coming, home babe" I finished the song smiling as tears filled up my eyes

Everyone clapped loudly smiling

"You wrote that?" Tommy asked me

"of course she did, she's an angel you said it yourself," Athena said smiling

"I'm sorry to ask but who did you write that for?..." His mom said whipping her tears.


"No it's fine Tommy, I wrote it for my dad," I said cutting him smiling a bit

His dad put a hand on my shoulder and gave me the most comforting look that would have made anyone's heart melt.

"I'm sorry," Athena said smiling a bit patting my leg

"It's alright, it's just a song," I said chuckling

"Oh, mom? Can she stay for the night?" Athena said smiling at me widely

"She's more than welcome to stay" her mom stated smiling at me

"Is she sleeping with you, Thomas?" His father asked raising an eyebrow

I spit out my water

"What?" I asked chuckling

"Are you sleeping in the same bed as Tommy?" Her sister rephrased

"Oh lord, I mean only if he wants to," I said rubbing my neck

"I don't mind either" T-Bones said smiling widely at me

"Can we watch a movie?" Athena asked

"I don't mind," I said smiling as Athena took my hand and almost made me fall on the sofa

"It's so nice to have a girl I can relate to," She said smiling widely

"I'm happy that you feel that way, sweetie," I said not sure of what to say

"So, do you like Tommy?" She whispered holding my hand

"Of course I like him, who wouldn't," I said whispering back

"No I mean do you love him like loooovee" She whispered back

"What are you two lovebirds talking about?" Tommy said jumping on the sofa Besides me hitting my thighs

"Ouch that hurts and nothing we're talking about world domination, you know, girl thing," I said giggling resting my head on his shoulder.

His mom and dad joined us and we all watched a weird movie I wasn't even paying attention, I was happy, more than happy.

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