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-5 months later-

Nikki and I woke up next to each other as our alarm went off. I stopped it and rolled over onto Nikki's chest

"Morning love," He said in a deep voice

"Morning Sixx" I mumbled pulling the blanket up to my head

"I haven't slept all night so only morning to you" He chuckled

"Please don't tell me you're still high," I said sitting down rubbing my eyes a bit

"Honestly... I still am" He said sitting down as well

"You kidding? It's Tommy's wedding in two hours and you're still high?" I said a little mad

"Shit it's today?" He asked worried

"No shit Sherlock. Yes it's today" I said rolling my eyes a bit

-Time skip before the wedding-

We're all waiting sitting in a hotel on a sofa. Nikki was sleeping beside me,  Vince was on the other sofa with Mick sipping his beer.

"She's really gonna marry me huh? This isn't some kind of sick joke is it?" Tommy asked fixing his white tuxedo in the mirror

Mick and I looked at each other and smiled

"Life's a sick joke" We said in unuin chuckling

 "Hey what time is it? I think we should get out there" Tommy said looking at me smiling

Mick looked at is wrist seeing that he wasn't wearing any watch

"Hey Nikki let's hit it" Tommy said fixing his weird tie

Nikki didn't answer as he was sleeping like a baby with his glasses on.

"Yo best man, I got a wife waiting. Cmon!" He shouted a bit 

Still no answer

"You fucking kidding me?" Tommy said looking at me walking closer to Nikki

"Don't look at me like that I didn't do anything" I mumbled sipping my beer

"Hey Nikki wake up asshole" Tommy said slipping him a little

"What the fuck dude?" Nikki said waking up confused

"Jesus" Tommy sighed sitting down next to me

"I'm good, it's all good" Nikki mumbled clearly fucking high

"You're most definitely not all good man, but whatever just clean-"

Nikki tried to stand up but fell on the table knockingoff some bottles

"Hey! Get you're shit together I don't want Heather to be embarrassed okay?" He shouted getting up holding Nikki's shirt

I got up as well rolling my eyes putting my bottle down fixing my dress a bit

"I'm embarrassing?... Cool..." He said sipping his beer mumbling again

"Let's go marry you're fancy ass TV chick in this fancy ass hotel" He said spinning his beer as some fell onto the ground

"Nikki that's enough" I said looking at him making a serious face

"Hey are you gonna do this on the happiest day of my life asshole?" Tommy said looking into Nikki's eyes

"Enough fighting guys please just-"

"The happiest day of you're life? Nah the happiest day of you're life was when I let you join my band" Nikki said cutting me off

"Nikki I said enough" I said rudely looking at him

"Shall I get someone else to stand up there with me or what?" Tommy asked looking at Vince

"Don't look at me man" Vince mumbled

"I'll do it drummer" Mick said standing up groaning in pain because of his back

"I've- I've already got the fucking rings let's just go" Nikki said closing his eyes

Eveyone left except Nikki and I

"Nikki, don't say things like that. Ever again" I said walking away

-Time skip to the pictures-

"Alright guys, big smiles" Tommy said gathering us to take a picture

I standed besides Heather as Nikki joined, I looked at him and sighed, He was really high.

-Time skip to the night-

Nikki and I were partying at an apartment, Slash was there laying on the couch. I talked to him a little before I went to sit down besides Nikki.

"Hey" I said smiling a bit

"Hey sweetheart" He said squeezing his teeth a bit

"You okay there?" I asked worried

"All good my love" He uttered quietly kissing my neck a bit

"Did I miss the party?" Nikki's dealer said sitting down beside Nikki on the ground

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on Nikki's shoulder

"You, look like a man who needs... sweet persian" The dealer said taking out some spoons in this little bag

"Can't you see he's already high enough?" I said rolling my eyes

"It's fine Y/n..." He said smiling weakly

"So?" the man asked

"How is that... Persian? Is there even still a Persia?" Nikki asked confused

"There has to be, it's where all the cats come from" He said putting some things in the spoon

"Nikki please don't-"

"I said I was fine okay? Don't babysit me" He said closing his eyes

"Of course" I rolled my eyes a bit

"What cat?" Nikki asked to the man

"Persian? The crossed eyed ones like in the Lady in the Tramp. Remember those evil fuckers?" The man said string up the heroin in the spoon

"They're Siameses cat. You don't know shit about Walt Disney

"I know he's a perv man. He used to like to lay down beneath glass tables and have hookers take a shit right on the glass" He said heating up the spoon

"What are you talking about that never happened?" Nikki said confused playing in my hair

"How do you know?" The man asked filling up the serynge

"Because I'm a fucking perv and I've never even thought about anything as fucked up as that" Nikki said putting a hand on my thigh

"You want some or not?" The man asked looking at the serynge 

"Yeah but... My girlfriend needs to do it" He mumbled looking at me listing his sleeve

"Nikki I'm not doing it, you're high enough" I said turning his chin so he could look at me

"I'll do it" The man said handing him the rubber tube

"Squeeze" He said as Nikki squeezed it

He inserted the serynge and emptied it out as Nikki closed his eyes

"Nikki are you okay?" I asked looking at him

no respond

"Baby it's not funny" I said taking his hand

 He fell onto the ground with his eyes open

"Nikki wake up" I said as I started to get really worried

"Nikki? HEy, you okay?" The man said slapping him a bit

I stood there as my eyes widened

"What the fuck did you give him?" Slash asked walking towards us

"Guys! Somebody call an ambulance!" I shouted as my eyes became watery 

"PARTY'S OVER WAKE UP MAN!" a guy shouted as the man ran away

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