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Back on the tour buss for the 10000th time in my life. I walk towards the backdoor, sit on my bed, take my tea, and sleep. I guess you can say it must be the dream, always being on the road with the people you love, see billions of fans that all loves you, but it isn't.

I might sound narcissistic and self-centered but you grow older and want to experience new things, not that I don't like my fans or the music we make. Not at all I just- can't help but think that life would have been-

"Y/n? Helloooo?" Tommy snapped his fingers infront of me

"Always not wanting me to fall asleep and relax huh?" I groaned opening my eyes

"I'm talking to you and all you do is sleep Y/n" He giggled pinching my cheek as I kept my grumpy face on

"So I was thinking, what if we take a short break of touring? Like a year" He repeated laying his head on my lap closing his eyes

I looked down and playfully rolled my eyes playing in his hair.

"Yeah that's a good idea, tell that to Nikki" I said in a sarcastic tone sighing

"He'd say yes"

"Over his dead body yeah, you know how he is T- and he'll be even more pissed off about us getting left in the dust if we ask" I said placing a hand on my face pinching my nose bridge

"What are you two talking about?" Nikki smiled entering the room,

"Holy fuck! You scared the living hell out of me dude-" T- groaned

"Good" Nikki said sitting down on the couch next to us.

"What do you mean good? You're enjoying watching your bandmate suffering?" T bones asked raising a brow

"You both are gonna give me a fucking headache, shut up" I groaned and closed my eyes afterwards.

"You're still mad Y/n?" Nikki asked in a calm voice

"I'd be pretty pissed off if I was her so yes I guess so" Tommy replied

"I'm not mad, I'm just tired okay? My head is pounding, my back hurts, I feel like I haven't slept in days. Is that enough for you to leave me alone?" I asked with a hearable groan

"Wow alright princess you're clearly still mad" Nikki snickered at my sayings

"I'm not mad Sixx, I'm tired of touring." I simply replied as T- gasped

"What?" Nikki frowned looking at me

"I think we need a small break, for everyone's mental health. We've been on the road for 10 days and I already feel like going home. I'm not 20 anymore, maybe you're in good health but you have to think about all of us. Mick is barely standing up now, and you want us to go touring like we're in our 20s? It doesn't make any sense Nikki, and honestly... Maybe it's time for Nirvana to take over. Tonight's out last show, we'll be back in a year. And if you don't agree then you'll have to tour without me,"

Nikki remained silent for a while as if he was looking for something to say. But there wasn't anything to add,

"And you Tom?"

"I'm with Y/n on this one" He said sitting down normally rubbing his eyes

"So you're are just gonna let us down? Is that what it is? Since we're not at top anymore"

"Excuse me?" I scoffed raising a brow

"You heard me Y/n"

"You are the most self-centred idiotic person I've ever met Nikki. I'm not letting us down. I've been fighting my whole fucking life to keep this band together and you're here telling me I'm letting us down? That's really mature of you Nikki. Really" I said shaking my head standing up

"Not mature? You're the one playing like a bitch and acting like a total fucking dumbass. If you're not happy, then fucking leave this buss and go home. But don't come here bothering me alright? Get the fuck out Y/n," Nikki slammed his fist on the table making me jump as Tommy quickly stood up as well.

"You're attitude is so fucking childish Nikki Sixx. Go fuck yourself, how dare you speak like that to her, not even a month ago you wanted to fucking marry her so GIVE IT A FUCKING REST NIKKI!" Tommy shouted

I walked to the front of the buss grabbing my bag and tears in my eyes. I looked over at Doc and blinked my tears away.

"Stop the buss please I'm getting out" I sniffled and wipes my tears

"I- um yeah of course" Doc stopped the buss and sighed

"T-thank you" I sniffled and headed outside as Tommy jogged behind me and joined me outside

"YEAH GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING FIRED!" Nikki shouted as the buss started again

I looked over at Tommy who shook his head opening his arms. I naturally curled up into his arms and held him tightly sniffling against his chest. He then stroked my hair through the hug and sighed

"We'll go back home and I'll draw you a bath okay? Give me your phone" He whispered

I reached into my bag pulling away from the hug, I handed him my phone as he called to buy new plane tickets. 


We had flew all the way back to L.A as we finally reached my house. We got in as Tommy went straight up to my luxurious bathroom drawing me a bath.

I walked to the bathroom and found him there lightning up some candles.

"Thank you T-" I whispered with a smile

"Of course, I'll-"

"Can you stay with me?" I whispered and turned off the lights as I slowly undid my blouse.

Tommy blinked and cleared his throat,

"I- um. Yes of course. Do you want me to turn around or...?"

"No. . .?" I replied taking off my blouse throwing it on the ground.

Tommy nodded and tried to keep his eyes up to my eyes. I took off the rest of my clothes and got into the bubbly bath exhaling loudly.

"Do you um... Want me to join or? I can totally just sit on the ground my back turned if you want"

"Tommy, come with me please" I simply said with a shrug

Nikki and I were over, I was tired of being treated like I wasn't anything. It was final my turn to be happy. . . Finally.

"Okay" He chuckled and took off his clothes slowly getting behind me placing me between his legs

He then stroked my hair and traced some shapes onto my back humming.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered having my eyes closed


"Do you still... Love me?"

"Y/n I-"

"What Tom?" I asked

"I do yes, I never stopped loving you, cheesy right?" He asked leaving a kiss on my back

"It isn't" I whispered


"I love you Tommy... Always" I whispered

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