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"D-Dad?" I asked breathing heavily

"It's me sweetheart" He answered calmly

"H-how did you find where to c-call?" I asked stuttering

"When are you coming home?" He asked ignoring my question

"Fuck you," I said squeezing my fist breathing rapidly

"I heard you're not my little girl anymore... You slept with all of them didn't you?" He asked getting mad

"If you call again, I'll call the police for harassment and I have a shitload of money to put you in jail. Never call back again" I said hanging up

I laid down on my bed and started to cry uncontrollably remembering how my dad was. All of this Rock N' roll shit made me forget about what I feared the most, my dad.


"Piss off" I yelled sniffling

"It's Tom Y/n can you let me in?" Tom asked with a soft reassuring voice

I walked over to the door looking like a total mess and opened the door. Tom looked at me munching his sandwich before he swallowed.

"You alright?" He asked tilting his head

"No Tom I'm not fucking okay," I said crying falling into his arms

"Hey hey shhh" He hugged me tightly

"I'm so tired Tom I-I don't k-know what to do," I said sobbing in his arms

"First of all..." He walked towards my bed holding me as he put me down and laid down beside me

"Come here" He opened his arms as I naturally cuddled closer to him crying

"Hey, Y/n... talk to me..." He said playing in my hair

"I c-can't," I said crying more into his chest

"Just get some rest for now okay? I'll stay with you" He said shaking his head a bit

I nodded and closed my eyes feeling his warm body close to mine, my tear dried off slowly as my brain gave me melatonin and suddenly I fell asleep peacefully in his arms.

-3 hours later-


I woke up due to Nikki yelling as he opened the door and looked at Tom and I.

"Nikki it's-"

"Whatever. Get ready the show is in 3 hours" He said slamming the door

"Did I do something wrong?" Tom asked confused

"No no, not at all Tom," I said as I sighed getting up slowly

-1 hour before the show-

I was getting dressed up in my dressing room, I did my hair and makeup to match the boys as I looked at myself in the mirror I sighed a bit.

I was getting dressed up in my dressing room, I did my hair and makeup to match the boys as I looked at myself in the mirror I sighed a bit

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"You got this Y/n" I whispered as I walked towards the boys who all looked so hot

"You got this Y/n" I whispered as I walked towards the boys who all looked so hot

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"You guys look so good" I said smiling

"Look at you doll, stunning" Mick said smiling

"You're pretty Y/n" Tommy whispered

"I love you're blouse" Vince smiled

"It matches your pants" I said smiling looking at him

Nikki looked at me and sighed

"I need to have a word," I said looking at Nikki as my smile dropped

"You can say it in front of the boys, go on," He said rudely

"Alright then, My dad called and he wants me to go home and Tom came into my room to ask me about my costume and when he came I was crying so he tried to help and then I fell asleep. Is that good for you?" I asked crossing my arms

"Okay, so why we're you cuddling with him?" Nikki asked 

"Okay and I'm out of here," Vince said walking away


He looked at me and took a step back

"I'm sorry" He said looking at me in the eyes

"Oh please Nikki you don't give a shit about how I'm feeling. The only thing that you want is getting high with me you never asked me how I was this week not a single time" I said breathing heavily

"What? So you think I'm using you just to get high with you? That doesn't make any fucking sense" He scoffed

"Well for me it does Nikki! I feel like shit and I needed you to hug me I needed YOU and like always you just focused on yourself and left me there like you always do and I'm so tired of it" I said as my eyes filled up with water

"Stop being a fucking crybaby about it! I fucking care but you were too busy sleeping and cuddling with Tom!" he shouted looking at me

"Alright man that's enough" Tommy said stepping infront of me

"Tommy fucking Lee, always here to save the day huh?" Nikki scoffed

"Give it a fucking rest alright?" Tommy hissed at Nikki

"Just go back to you're perfect girlfriend and shut the fuck up" Nikki hissed back

"Are you gonna make me?" Tommy asked

"Enough, the both of you," Doc said looking at them

"Whatever" Nikki said storming towards his dressing room

"Are you okay Y/n?" Tommy asked whipping my tears

"Yes I'm alright" I said sniffling

"I talked to Heather for the holidays and I said that I was gonna spend some time with you at my house and she said she would spend it with her brothers," He said smiling a bit

"You didn't had too T-Bones..."

"Yes I did Y/n, you're my best friend and I need you as much as you need me " He smiled softly

"You're gonna make me cry again,stop it," I said sniffling and laughing

"Come here dummy," He said hugging me tightly

"Alright, guys! 10 minutes!!" Doc shouted for us to get ready.

On with the godamn show

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