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"WHAT?!" I woke up yelling feeling my head pounding

"We're late for the practice," Tommy said giving me a quick kiss

My eyes widened, what was happening? I got up rubbed my eyes and stood up. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw many hickeys on my neck. Oh no, no-no-no. It must be a fucking dream.

"Hurry up Y/n I'm waiting" Tommy yelled from downstairs

"Give me a minute!" I yelled back rushing into the bathroom and grabbing Athena's makeup and covered the hickeys. I put on the outfit that I prepared the night before and looked at myself in the mirror.

 I put on the outfit that I prepared the night before and looked at myself in the mirror

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"You're alright Y/n," I said looking at myself smiling a bit

When I walked downstairs, I saw Tommy's mom watching television with Athena while Tommy's father was making coffee

"You want some Y/n?" He asked with a warm smile

"Oh no thank you, We're late to our band practice," I said putting my beautiful leather boots on

"Oh alright kids, be safe... Tommy, remember what we talked about" His dad winked

"Dad! Stop" He sighs before heading out to my car

I followed behind really awkwardly. I got into the passenger seat and looked at him and took a deep breath.

"What happened last night?" I asked looking at him

"what do you mean?" He asked back

"Why do I have hickeys all over my neck? What happened" I asked biting my nails

"We can talk about it later," He said starting the  car

"What? No talk to me right now" I responded looking at him

"What? We kissed and then we came back home and we almost slept together and then you fell asleep there's nothing else to say" He said driving towards Nikki's.

"What? Why are you acting like this with me what the fuck?" I said a little hurt because he was being rude

"Because I know you love him alright? I know that you fucking love him and it hurts like fucking hell alright? Now piss off" He said parking the car

I looked at him as tears fill up my eyes, I swallow my saliva and opened the door.

"Got it," I said nodding getting out of the car slamming the door, and walking upstairs

"Hey what's up?" Nikki said looking at me confused

"Oh don't even get me started asshole," I said sitting down next to Vince on the couch putting my head on his shoulder

"What? What did I do?" He said confused

"You fucking let a girl be disrespectful towards me and didn't even bother yourself to stop her. You choose her over you're own fucking singer" I said rolling my eyes as Vince played in my hair

"I'm fucking sorry I didn't know you were so fucking needy," He said rudely

"Oh fuck you Nikki you're acting like a fucking moron and I'm tired so either you calm down or I swear I'm leaving. Like now" I said looking at Mars as he nodded in approval

"Then fucking leave," he said crossing his arms

"You want me to leave? Fine" I said getting up as Vince pulled me back down

"You're not going anywhere, you're a part of this band and this is non-Negotiable," Vince said looking at me

"Alright kids enough, we're a team. Now get your shit together and fix your shit" Mick said getting up

"Outside Y/n," Nikki said stepping out of the apartment

I looked at Vince and he smiled a bit nodding. I stood up and followed Nikki outside.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms

"What's bothering you? I know you Y/n and I know that you're not feeling okay so just take it out on me" He said sitting down on a chair

"Well first of all fuck you. You know I have my limits and you crossed them twice and second of all fucking Tommy is acting like a cry baby and he's rude since last night and you, you fucking left me to go fuck some girls you don't even know, and surprisingly, it hurts like fucking hell" I said breathing heavily

"I'm sorry," He said sincerely

"You're always fucking sorry you never learn! God, I was so stupid to think that you could change Sixx, you're never gonna change you proved it fucking twice you can't attach yourself to someone and why is that?" I asked crossing my arms

"What do you mean?" He asked confused

"I might not know a lot about you but from what I've seen you feel bad for falling in love so you try to push the other person away, like what you're doing right now," I said rolling my eyes

"You think I fell in love with you?" He scoffed

I looked at him and took a step back, what have I done?

"forget it Nikki," I said lighting up a cig

"Well maybe you are right, maybe that's what I'm doing pushing you away to feel better" He stated looking away

"Then stop it for fuck sake!" I shouted a bit

"This is how I work Y/n! I don't know how to fucking stop it!" He shouted a bit louder

"What's happening?" Tommy said walking up the stairs looking at me

"Nothing it's fine T-Bones" I answered taking a puff

"Are you sure?" He said looking at Nikki and back at me

"Yes I'm sure" I answered flipping my cig onto the floor and stepping on it walking back inside

"I'll tell you this once Nikki and I hope you get it. She cares about you, a lot so don't act like an asshole" He said rolling his eyes walking inside as well

Nikki walked back inside and looked at us.

"Alright so... Y/n wants to add a song in the album and I said I would let her so let's get to work," Nikki said smiling a little looking at me

I got up and grabbed Mick's guitar and approached my red mic and started to sing. At this moment, I looked over at Nikki and saw what seemed to be some tears in his eyes? I continued the song and when it was done, the boys all stayed silent as Nikki went to the bathroom. I sat down and looked at Tommy who had tears in his eyes as well.

"This song is beautiful" Mick stated smiling a bit

"It's very good," Vince said looking at the ground

"Thank you boys," I said getting up

"Where are you going?" Tommy asked

"We all know that Nikki is not in the bathroom to take a piss," I said walking closer to the bathroom and knocking

"Piss off Tommy," He said behind the door

"Can I come in?" I asked calmly

He opened the door and he looked at me as I saw a little tear fall off his cheek

"Nikki..." I said tilting my head a bit before hugging him tightly

"I'm sorry," He said hugging me back

"I know I know" I whispered kissing his cheek

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