Things are so complicated,
Here I am still awaited.
Don't know what to say,
If it's not too late.
Decisions are to be made,
Nothing that's going to be great.
Letting down someone's faith,
Is something I don't want to face.
Yet... It's another day, thinking if it's not too late. ..
To make a decision, difficult to be laid.
__Mansi Gupta.Happy reading!!
Bright looked anxious when he told me to follow the guy, I hope it's not what I think it is.I take a turn towards the back entrance
And what I am seeing now is making it hard to believe , the guy is facing me his back to bright. Brights eyes are glowing amber he is in a trance as if all he can see is the guy and nothing else anger evident on his face, it isn't happening now, no it isn't, it couldn't be...The guy is frozen Taking short successive breaths it is clear he is unable to breath properly. It shouldn't be happening bright is not ready for this it could effect him adversely he is using his power without caution.I can feel it if I get too close I'll get stuck in it too. Oh shit!
Bright is not bonded yet to his anchor he doesn't have his protector with him without his silver soul he can't direct his powers especially not like this.... Okay calm down Mike you are trained for this just focus, it's fine , bright knows you .he just needs something to bring himself back to normal.
"Bright" I call his name carefully not to startle him he doesn't seem to listen at first but after one more determined call he looks at me as if I am creating a hinderance , there is no recognition in his eyes, he didn't looked at me because I called his name instead he just have one more target now.
You cannot back down now it's a do or die situation , either you bring him back to his senses or get yourself a nice tombstone Mike! Now get a grip." B-Bright it's me Mike you recoganize me right.. " I am holding both my hands to show him I am not here to harm him.At least he is listening it's a good sign.
"You told me to help you to catch this guy remember? .you wouldn't want to hurt him. He won't run any further, you can relax. Let him go believe me you don't want to hurt him "
For a minute I thought it's not doing any good he is going to go on a rampage, but fortunately his shoulders began to relax just a little but that's enough to know that he hasn't lost his consciousness, he is still in control. He close his eyes , inhale slowly holding it for seconds before releasing it. I don't move, not even a bit, not going to risk it.He opened his eyes the amber has dimmed and with another exhale it's gone, letting my racing heart beats to ease.
The first and only time I saw his eyes shining bright amber was when we were little almost eight. We were playing outside my house and he saved a dog from a car with a supernatural speed, his eyes glowed but he seemed to be lost and didn't remember doing anything in fact he looked terrified, uncle drake was the only one he let to be close to him,he took bright home, after he said I did a good job to call him first and I'll be a good friend to him it was a proud moment for me. That was the time when I knew everything that my father said to me as a story, a duty I'd to perform in his place was true was real and bright was worth it. Later I came to know it happens if he uses his powers but it never came to it again. He was obligated to never give in to his instincts to never get carried away which made him restless and angry sometimes, but he was good at it ,even when we sparred it never happened again..then why today.... I guess I have missed a lot these past few months.

silver of my soul
Fantasybright on his 18 birthday comes to know about his family history and secrets and most importantly about his mother. Reasons why is he so different from other people of his own age (actually different from everyone) he doesn't know that a new life...