I am walking to our dinning room after I took a bath and ready to have dinner with my dad .
I took a deep breath before I went to sit beside dad at the table. We always eat together I am pretty close to him we talk about random stuffs and laugh together but today it feels as if he is in deep thoughts . He didn't said anything and we started to eat we have a very big house just for two of us when atleast 15 people can live here without any issues we have a big dinning table with 12 seats but only two is used. Its filled only when dad have some business friends over dinner, which is not usual but I am used to it after all that's how my whole life has been I have grownup in this house with only my father to talk and play with. My
Cook and caretakers are also really good they love me and I also care for them when dad's not here due to some business trip or something, I eat with them basically I don't like to eat alone and they are kind enough to eat with me.We are done with our dinner, so i just asked dad I couldn't wait anymore
"Dad, I hope you remember your promise I am ready to know where my mom is and why am i different from others "
Dad sighed at look at me with worry and sadness and proud? Expression in his eyes I don't know what is he thinking
"I am so proud of you my son you have grown into a fine man. I know you have been patient all this time and I appreciate your understanding. Thank you my son for being obedient and loving me inspite of my secretive behaviour, thank you for always doing what i asked you to do and never complaining."
"Dad , I love you and I know whatever you say me to do is for my own good "
"Okay great enough of emotional talk ,come with me "
Saying that dad smiled at me and I followed him. He took me out of our house towards the garden our house is located near forest not a big or haunted forest just normal place with big trees covering large area its under our property we own this whole place. As our garden ends forest starts its already dark out here so dad carried a lamp with him I have no idea where we are going as we enter the forest all I am doing is following him without any questions. He stopped suddenly and searched for some thing there is a huge stone wall or a door in front of us, i can't see properly cause its really dark and there's only one source of light and that is in my dad's hand I don't understand why can't we had brought our phones and use flashlights instead of a lamp but whatever it doesn't matter now , dad is searching for something there the wall is covered with creepers and small bushes I have no idea how far it goes this wall is covering a large area of my vision.
As I was about ask dad what he is doing I heard a loud voice as if some rusty heavy thing is being draged.....Okay. It's not a thing it's this huge wall and its moving! shit ..
I ran towards my dad to close the gap between us I was shocked and he seemed so relaxed with all of this as if he is used to it..He is watching this wall oh wait as now i am at a close proximity i can say it's not a wall but a door which is having similar looking walls on its both side and it's not that huge its like a normal door just made of stone and its opening on its own.
Dad seemed to notice how curious and shocked i am so he said
"Welcome to our most treasured heritage
My son ,all your answers lies here. Come on "
I don't know what to say I am speechless so i just nodded and followed him.(Let me know your views)

silver of my soul
Fantasybright on his 18 birthday comes to know about his family history and secrets and most importantly about his mother. Reasons why is he so different from other people of his own age (actually different from everyone) he doesn't know that a new life...