Last night was nice everyone tried to cheer me up but I feel hollow inside , Ice as usual was very understanding ,she let me go when I said I am sleepy and didn't feel like playing any more UNO, without questions .
"Mr. Win"
"Yes come in Mrs. Shah"
Mrs. Shah is my assistant according to my uncle but I don't think of her as that more like a senior because she is my elder almost of my mom's age and most of my work is done with her help, I don't know what I would have done without her."Here are some of the reports you asked for. And Era is waiting for you outside should I let her in."
"What is she doing here? "
Oh no I sense danger, which is definitely clear on my face because Mrs. Shah is looking at me amused a tiny smile on her face she like others love Era and enjoy's seeing me unstable and terrified totally at the mercy of Era."I asked her if she had any message but she insisted on meeting you"
"Okay, let her in and you can go back to your work, Thank you Mrs. Shah"
As soon as Mrs. Shah left Era was there she didn't even let Mrs Shah to close the door properly.
"Comon get up we have somewhere to go"
" Woah calm your horses down Why are you in so hurry what's wrong"
"Nothing, I am taking you out, it's your birthday"
Looks like she hadn't stopped trying after last night.
"I am at work, trying to do what uncle asked me to , I am busy so just get lost"
"Oh, it doesn't work on me you know that win. Trying to be rude doesn't suits you you look more cuter than rude you know"
Okay now it's me who is embarrassed. How is it that my attempt of embarrassing her embarrassed me instead.
"I am really busy Era, I have a lot of things to read and sign you know getting shares under my name now that I am not a minor is a hell lotta work to do, uncle said he needs all the necessary documents till tomorrow"
"I knew you'll not make it easy to get you out of this cabin so I already talked to dad and he is fine with you celebrating your birthday consider it your birthday gift,you can give whatever documents day after tomorrow "
She is really prepared.
"Where are you going to take me? "
"It's a surprise"
"Okay so I'll get Ice and we can go "
"No! "
She was too quick to answer. This cannot be good.
"Why? "
"She cannot come with us, I talked to her as well, that you'll be home late today and she has other plans with her friends , so it's all taken care of ,all you need to do is come with me it's already
6 o'clock. ""But-"
"Oh comon win, don't act like some old man in his 60's you are just a teenager you have to do some teenager things, and I am not leaving without you, so get your lazy ass off that chair and follow me "
"Era I---"
She gave me her serious 'End of the discussion ' look. And I knew no excuses I give stood a chance.

silver of my soul
خيال (فانتازيا)bright on his 18 birthday comes to know about his family history and secrets and most importantly about his mother. Reasons why is he so different from other people of his own age (actually different from everyone) he doesn't know that a new life...