bright on his 18 birthday comes to know about his family history and secrets and most importantly about his mother. Reasons why is he so different from other people of his own age (actually different from everyone) he doesn't know that a new life...
( thank you for all the reads and voting please share your reviews and if you have any confusion about the story please feel free to ask. I know it has a rather lengthy past but it's important for the base of the story)
The other day Win was late for his group study at study cafe .He did every important work he needed to be there physically at office for.Now he can work from home he also needed time to study for exams that was two weeks away
After doing everything at the opasiamkajorn building he went straight to his house to freshen up and keep his files in his office room and pick up his books he was late so he didn't eat anything to his luck Ice was with Nathon and Era having fun at park and also probably knowingly third wheeling in their lowkey date,he can't understand why is he so excited to go at study cafe his friends were already there an hour ago its 7 now he was running late , Thank god his house was not that far from cafe it was just 5-6 mins ride with wins fast driving.
After parking his car at parking lot win rushed inside the cafe ,the vibe of the cafe was calm and light win signed his name and number before searching for his Friends maybe bright.
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There he is... Wait.. Oh no.. Maybe.... Okay... He is... Bright is looking at me his gaze feels so captivating I couldn't look away Shit..Why the hell am I freezed It's like I can't move all of a sudden I am conscious about every move I am making what if I am looking weird what if I am not walking properly ,the happenings of last night reoccured in my mind his hands, his breath, his fragrance , his husky voice and lastly his intimidating eyes...Oh God!! Iook away... Look away you idiot... He is following my every move Whyy??!!!
I am walking towards our table trying to ignore his gaze.
Oh! Okay this is all I needed to avoid bright's gaze bumping into someone!!!
"I am sorry."
we both said at same time atleast this made me to look away from bright. I don't know why I couldn't look away from him it feels like something has changed after yesterday's encounter.
"Oh it's fine ,it was my fault anyway I wasn't paying attention". I said
The girl is pretty , she looks shy and smiling at me.
"Actually I wasn't paying attention either." She said with her cute voice she is carrying a lot of books which looks heavy for her to carry I asked her if she needs help.
"Thanks I appreciate your help, just wanna take them there at my table my friends are waiting for me "