First day

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August's P.O.V

I had placed my hands on the shower walls and despite the warm water it felt cold. Surprisingly the feeling was nice instead of unpleasant like I assumed it would have been. This feels cliché, a typical scene in most movies but it does help when calming your thoughts. I felt like I've been here long enough to caught up in my thought, I can't procrastinate anymore with heading to school. I pushed away from the wall and turned off the water, making my way out to dry off with a towel.

Harwool high and that car.... was all I could think about as I dried my hair. Carefully I made my way back to my room. Casey seems serious about it all but it's just a school. I threw the towel onto a box and slowly changed in the clothes that were on the bed that I pulled out the night before from unpacking. As I stood in front of the mirror I lazily rearranged my usually messy brown hair.

A sigh followed as I dreaded the day but oh well... I grabbed my backpack and made my way to the kitchen. The first thing to notice was that Calum will never be a morning person. His head bobbed up and down but held a strong grip on to his spoon, he has priorities at least.

A small thump causes me to turn from him to my dad who had placed a bowl on the table as he held his coffee cup. "Good morning son, up for some cereal?" I chuckled.

"Morning and always, food is food." He smiled gently at me.

I ruffled Calum's hair as I sat down "morning came to soon! The night was four minutes ago! Its not a good morning!" Calum dramatically replied causing dad to shake his head with a smile.

"We know Calum, we know..." was all I said as I ate my cereal. "Anyway.... this girl Katy? When is she picking you up?" I shrugged.

"Casey and don't know probably soon?" He looked out the window as he sipped his coffee. "Possibly...."

Calum and I finished up eating mostly since he was more awake after accidentally slamming his head on the table. "Don't be late.... I see a car outside." I looked up puzzled before hearing a car horn beep a few times.

"Oh I see.... I won't be! See you guys later!" I made my way toward the door with my backpack "good luck!" Calum yelled out "have a nice day..." So uplifting.

Casey sat in a gray Chevrolet which she waved like crazy at me from the window. I chuckled as I made my way in the car "time to prepare you for the battlefield!" As soon as I put my seat belt on she pulled away from my house as her hands held a tight grip on the steering wheel.

"Casey, it's highschool! The only thing we have to worry about is having our hopes and dreams being crushed and having to face the pressure of following social norms..." She loosened her grip

"I envy that negative but understanding mindset.... but you're wrong! About Harwool that is..." I raised a brow.

"Let's just say we have groups, two that make it seem like they are royalty! Rising high with manipulation and confidence!" What the fuck is happening? She spoke so passionately about all of this, like it was an actual play or something? 

"So rich and powerful? And sprinkle in that sexy dust?" She chuckled slightly.

"To each their own, they are sexy... and some are rich but I prefer to focus on how they can easily talk their way out of things. In a sense they are able to get away with anything with how persuasive they are and dare I say manipulative..." okay what school is this?

"So ignore them than?" She shrugged

"If it were that simple... somehow one always ends up getting involved. Afterall their nice to get along with and helpful...." She slowly made her way to the school's parking lot searching for an empty space. "But let's not forget how every group has a leader... or should I say leaders..." Ooh I can hear that one mean girls theme playing. She parked into am empty spot and quickly pointed towards a group of people stood near some fancy ass cars, none were the one I saw last night but they were almost like it.

"Those are the foxes and before you ask. Yes, they have names. See the ones kind of in the middle?" My eyes drifted to a boy and girl with the lightest hair from the people that surrounded them. "Their easy to spot...." She opened her door and stepped out, I quickly followed after her.

"Fraternal twins, silver haired one is Harper and white haired boy is Noah. Their mostly referred to as the Jones twins. And fair warning the foxes are mostly filled up of rich assholes going through a rebellious phase!" She rolled her eye's but let out a loud sigh.

"But I can't deny that they are pretty intelligent... most are the top of our class." She soon tilted her head towards another group near the entrance. "Next the snakes. Surprisingly enough the leaders are hard to find though its fitting since most snakes blend in with their environment.." She shook her head lightly.

"Melanie, she's got long wavy black hair but mostly you know it's her if she's got beauty marks under her eye that almost seem to form a triangle..." We made our way in the school at this point. "Miles is noticeable as being one of the few boys with wavy brown hair that reaches past his chin. It's weird though... their either the cousins or Moreno siblings.... despite one being adopted?" She looked to the side as we made our way down the hallway. She seemed slightly unsure about the adopted part.

"Anyway their pretty chill and mostly have middle and lower class despite the rich leaders but don't be fooled the snakes are more know for being the persuasive ones...." She went quite as she opened the main office door. Right away the lady looked up at us unamused.

"August Anderson, the new student here for his schedule..." Casey motioned towards me boredly. The lady skimmed through some papers "Well then Welcome to Harwool high... On a Friday...." She eyed me annoyed.  "This school splits up classes to have even on one day and odd on the other and today is your odd one's." She handed me my schedule which I lightly skimmed over noticing that I had a locker? I didn't think school's used them, my old school definitely didn't.

"Fifth and six will determine your lunch period.... Have a nice day. Get to class." Someone loved her job! Casey pulled me out of the office quickly.

"Ignore her, she's rude and shit but! Funny thing is that each group has their own accessories, fox mask and a snake heads side profile." I looked up from my schedule.

"Sounds easy enough to notice." She shrugged before taking a look at my schedule.

"I will also assume you heard the rucks from last night?" I nodded my head. "That was them the snakes and foxes regularly do car races but last night seemed sloppy, they never get caught so easily." My eyes trailed over towards her.

"Now that is interesting..." she hummed slightly. 

"On the bright side we got second, third, fifth and seventh together. We should find your locker first..." I let out a soft sigh.

"Well now I won't suffer alone and hide in a corner somewhere!" She nudged me with a laugh and I nudged her back.

"You'll do fine ya baby!" Was all she got to say before fake gaging.

"Gross never mind! Your locker is near Noah's! Hope extreme pda won't affect you much?" I opened my locker with a small shrug taking a small glance to see two people making out infront of a locker so casually.

"I'm alright with an appropriate amount.... so no." She patted my back before throwing random stuff in my locker. Thanks I guess.....?

"Good luck! A lot of hot people are in this hallway so everyone here's distracted here..." I laughed slightly.

"It's fine and I'll ignore the others!" She narrowed her eye's. "Well yes.... as long as you don't sass or seem to challenge them in anyway you'll be fine!" She seemed to be comforting herself instead....

"See its no problem! Social interaction is not my thing so this will be easy!" She smiled faintly "ya easy...." I smiled back at her "Don't worry so much, now go!"

I lied.... It wasn't easy, I should have worried more.....

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