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August's P.O.V

I knew she had some problems, especially that one time she simply hugged me tight as if afraid to let go or when she simply stared at me for a long time almost as if double checking I was actually there.

I stared amused at the plush next to me, Melanie called them a pair. I smiled and grabbed the plush examining it more closely.

"Son? That's a cute plush" I was startled by my dad just barging in he seemed distraught but smiled at the plush.

"Ya I won it? Did you need something?" He sighed softly handing me his phone. I gave him a puzzled look as I grabbed it, I looked at it seeing it was mother on the phone.

"Hello?" Dad left the room to give me privacy.

" Hello August, it's good to hear from you. How have you been?" I rolled my eyes, we've been here for over a month and she's barley even calling.

"I've been good..."

"That's great son! I need to ask you something?" I sighed, of course she wanted something it's the only reason she would ever call.

"What is it?"

"You know there's a lovely girl I know moving over, she's smart kind and rich. Maybe you can introduce yourself to her?" I sighed what was she on about?


"What do you mean no!? It's a good thing! You can be with a rich girl and finally have a girl then being lonely with that kid!" I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Why do you even care for who I date? And that kid is my brother the one you neglected." She went quite.

"You need to try your options, or you'll end up like me and your father. And broke! Money makes people happy!" This woman was on drugs I say.

"Money doesn't make me happy and for the record I already have a girlfriend so I'm fine bye!" I stood up and walked to my dad giving him the phone he can deal with her instead.

"You okay bud?" My dad walked in a few minutes after.

"Ya... just mom meddling with me to get a rich girlfriend..." His brows furrowed.

"Sorry son it's something your mother always wanted to do. Now she's trying to throw it on you instead." I sighed leaning back on my bed.

"It's whatever I guess.... But I can't say it wasn't a weird request." He ruffled my hair and walked away. I closed my eyes, I just want to sleep for the rest of the day.

My mother was erratic, she always said the most random things from time to time. It won't be much of a surprise if she begs for something different.


Melanie's P.O.V

I slouched back in the booth bored. It's what happens when you let Miles wanting to visit his girls and can't leave us at home alone. But Oliver also left leaving me to play on the indoor playground.

I took a sip from my lemonade and stared out the window, to preoccupied to notice someone sit infront of me.

"Lonely Moreno? Where's your special little friend to keep you company?" I rolled my eyes at the familiar voice. Her voice was smooth but her sarcasm was thick.

"Harper Jones! Long time no see? And my little friend is away at home to rest. Don't want to dry him out so soon honey." She smirked up at me.

"Of course! Especially before I get my hands on him! Like all your other one's before. Sharing is caring." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Sure I wouldn't mind since I don't control them but August was mine.

"Please he already ignored your first advance. Who's to say your other ones would work?" Her smirk faltered a bit.

"We'll have to see about that.... I will win. Especially after what you did..." my brows furrowed.

"And I've told you before I don't know what I did!" She slammed her hands on the table.

"A pity because I do! And you'll pay for it one way or another!" I slammed my hands on the table in return.

"I don't remember doing anything to you other then starting my own group! Is that it?" She rolled her eye's

"No it was bound to happen. I'm talking about what you did in Reno this time. That necklace is proof you still remember what you did..." I felt my blood run cold.

"H-how did you...? It wasn't my fault..." her eye's softend slightly but turned harsh again.

"According to our informat it is your fault...." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You don't even know what I did do you?" She smiled.

"No not really but I do know the name Lilly Jackson...." I closed my eyes softly taking a deep breath.

"If that's it then leave...." She smiled sweetly at me and stood up giving me a final look.

"Such a mysterious and complicated past you have.... It's a mystery as to why people still stick around you..." With that she left. I took a deep breath burying my face into my hands.

"Melanie? What is she talking about?" Startled I looked up seeing Raine standing above me with a confused and concerned expression.

"My past that I'm so desperately trying to run from... I should have known her moving here would cause trouble..." Raine patted my head pulling me into a hug.

"What happened?" I buried my face into her stomach more.

"So much.... sit down, but you can't tell anyone! At least not yet.... I don't want to lose more people because of my mistakes....." She sat down giving me a final squeeze.

"I promise, now start in the beginning...." I took a deep breath was I really gonna tell her my secret? I have to get it off my chest...

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