New beginnings

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*TW- slight mention of abuse*

August's P.O.V

It seems that life can truly change in the blink of an eye. Maybe in one moment you're stuck in a barely happy and dysfunctional family and the next you're on the road to a new life but this time with your dad and brother. But no, it is more like we're escaping and finding something normal....

"Are we there yet!?" Calum spoke dramatically from the back of the car. Dad simply shook his head with a tired laugh. We've been

"Almost but not really...." Calum let put a loud sigh as he slumped over his car seat. I shook my head as I still skimmed through my playlist, trying to finally play a song.

Even if any song wouldn't be enough to occupy my mind so it wasn't long until I felt my eyes look over towards my dad. Mostly his arm which he tried to use his sleeve to hide one of the many bruises he had.  Slowly my mind drifted to the fact that we finally escaped.... Iet my eyes trail towards the mirror where I could see Calum was surprisingly asleep. Luckily we never dealt with physical abuse but there was still the mental abuse.

Now that we were long gone from that home I'm staring to wonder if due to his young age it's been blocked out from his brain. I hope he has a happier childhood than I had... my eyes trailed back down to glance at my dad once more. My dad would have been shamed for what has happened to him but to me he was braver than most.... he left his abuser, divorced her, even revealing the truth of abuse to win full custody of us as well. But despite that I could still tell that it hurts him....

"We're here..." He spoke up softly as we pulled into what seemed like a neighborhood in the suburbs. The house finally came into view, it was a simple one story house that seemed cozy and had a nice touch of greenery with the grass and different flowers in the front yard. He quickly pulled up behind the moving van "you get Calum and I'll speak with the movers" He exited the car as I carefully followed, I've bumped my head to many times on this car.

I took my time looking around slowly inching closer towards Calum's side, completely focused on the new neighborhood. Opening the door I shook him lightly "wake up buddy we're here..." He shifted in his seat and raised his hands up to rub his eyes.

"Finally... you have horrible music taste..." I rolled my eyes as I unbuckled him from his car seat which I still couldn't get my dad to let his out of at his young age of 8!

He turned to the house and smiled widely "Let's get a dog!"

I tilted my head, that was random. "Is it because of the yard?" He nodded his head excitedly. "We shall see..." He quickly grabbed his bag and leaped on me causing the wind o be knocked out of me. I slowly placed him back on the ground trying to regain my breath again.

"Then let's go to the park!" I furrowed my brows.

"And the park is where exactly?" He looked up at me before looking down at the floor in deep thought, especially as he tapped his chin with his pointer finger.

"Well there is one down the street when you leave the suburbs. A convenient place as well since there's a Burger King close by!" Startled I lifted my head from Calum to a girl who looked sweaty and out of breath. Which based off her outfit she was on a run, possibly. I observed her as she pulled her cap up a bit and fixed her low brown ponytail. Huh she looks my age as well... God I'm so freaking lazy compared to her.

"Oh? Um thanks... um.." She grinned sticking her hand out towards me.

"Anytime! Names Casey, Casey Williams and by the looks of it I'm your new neighbor!" I shook her hand gently.

"Pleased to meet you... I'm August Anderson and this is my little brother Calum." He lifted his hand up and waved.

"Hello!" She waved back with a smile of her own.

"Ooh love the bag! I'm a sucker for Elsa cause of her magical powers " Calum eyes sparkled.

"She's so pretty! But I love Mulan since she learned to fight with a sword!" Casey nodded with a large grin.

"So true! Oh by the way August? Are you going to Harwool high school?" I tilted my head to face her properly.

"ya...? As a senior..." She nodded her head crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well then consider me your first friend and guide cause Harwool is no joke!" I felt my brows furrow in confusion. How bad could one high school be?

"How so?" She shuddered slightly.

"Let's just say that Harwool feels like you're living in Mean girls, Grease and Heather's! But toned down a bit possibly... This isn't really a movie." She lifted a hand to her her cheek, resting it as in deep thought.

"So like drugs, alcohol and petty drama and clicks...?" She shrugged.

"I mean yeah, drugs and alcohol are big problems with some students... And you can tell who they are like they either suck at whispering or just like to flaunt that they do it as if it's cool!" She adjusted her cap again.

"But I'd be more concerned with getting involved with the groups of the school even though most call them  gangs... Who knows though...." She looked down at her watch. "Since you are new I'll give you a ride. Now I got to go, later!" She quickly jogged away towards her house leaving me and Calum to let out a short bye as she left.

"Ooh! Highschool sounds like hell!" Without fully looking at him I lightly smacked the back of his head.

"Don't say shit like that!" He slapped my back in return. 

"You say shit like that!" I smacked his head again but a tad bit harder. 

"Not anymore! Until middle school! Now here..." I handed him a kit Kat bar. 

"Fine! Pleasure doing business with you..." He quickly placed it in his backpack giving it a happy pat.

I nudged him forward. "Whatever kid... now let help dad out. I'm to broke to hire a chiropractic for his old man back..." Calum laughed loudly as we made our way towards him.


It was now night and there was still unpacking left to do... but for now we were done. I held the album in my hands tightly but I didn't dare to open it... not yet at least... "Calum sure was tired he just passed out once I tucked him in." I quickly covered the cover with my arms as dad made his way to sit on the recliner.

"He was the most excited and did the most running around... but how are you feeling dad?"

Out of instant he raised his hand to his shoulder and rubbed the area. His tired eyes turned to face me "better... you both are safe now and can live somewhat normally..." He bit his lips nervously while all I could feel was a my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

I sighed softly. "You're safe as well and hey the three of us will have a normal life starting now...." He took a deep breath before giving me a small smile. At least he was willing to try....

"I know son and I promise you things will be better as a family..." I smiled back at him

"Course..." One could only hope for the best.

Unfortunately this moment was ruined by the sound of multiple car engines, accompanied with the sound of tires skidding against the ground and even police sirens...? Dad stood from the recliner heading towards the window along with my curious self. as we peeked through the window.

One of those expensive looking cars speed down the street but it was trying to regain control as the car moved in a side motion. "What in the..." dad mumbled out in confusion.

"Well that is certainly new..." I tried to joke slightly. It of course didn't work as once the car was nearly out of sight a police car chased after it. 

"This town is certainly much more different than Reno..." He seemed a tad bit nervous.

"It will be fine..." I mumbled slightly. I can't deny that this had caught my interest, it is not everyday you see a car escaping the police.

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