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*mentions of death*

Melanie's P.O.V

I needed to get it of my chest at some point to him at least. Raine knows and Miles but he doesn't. Why do I even care so much for him to know about it? It's a boy who I'm using for sex! Sex for crying out loud! We're not even together!

"Your falling in love with him aren't you...?" Miles questioned me once we were at home. I let out a cough from choking on my own spit.

"No! I just didn't want to interfere with you hooking up with Paula!" He rolled his eyes and tightly wrapped his arms around me tightly

"You know family comes first no matter what! Now are you gonna see him already? We covered you both at school by the way" He started swaying with me in his arms as he spoke softly.

"Yes I must tell him...  before Tessa ruins everything like she's done before..." He placed a quick kiss to the top of my head. Alright let's get going to see your man!" He marched off while I simply slicked out my tounge.

"I don't date!" He laughed out loud "That's what they all say!"

"You say that! Who's the girl!? Or guy! Wait are you even straight I can't remember!?" He started running out while I chased after him.

"Girl you're the gay cousin!" "Not related biologically! You can also be the gay cousin! Everyone has one!" "Stop meming!" "Never!"


He dropped me off at August's house, by the way he's bi. I walked up to the door but paused seeing an unfamiliar car parked. It could be his dad's? No his car was different.I slowly stopped in front of the door getting ready to knock when the door suddenly slammed open.

"Get out!" Startled I see August yelling at a brunette, she turned to face me realizing it was Tessa. She smirked when she noticed me also here. Great...

"Well we meet again fatso... you can ask her now if she really did do what I say!" She confidently walked off as August pulled me inside the house quickly. "She told you.... didn't she?" He gave me a shocked look. "She was telling the truth?" I swallowed harshly rubbing my hands down my arms.

"Her truth... I need to tell you my truth..." He nodded his head slowly as he warily eyed me and pulled me down to sit on the couch with him.

"We were friends once, me, Tessa and Lilly. Until we got into a huge and stupid fight. Well me and Tessa had a falling out. It was about my relationship with my girlfriend at the time Abby." I took another breath calming my nervous down.

"The day of the falling out I stormed out of the house Lilly followed after me concerned since I was never allowed to walk anywhere by myself especially after a fight. And I scared her away harshly! Maybe even made her afraid of me my temper got the best of me. It was so bad she ran off.... without looking where she headed.... and then I heard tires screeching and a loud thud...." I felt myself choke up as tears streamed down slowly as an image flashed in my head... which I tried to surpass for so long, I placed my hand against my eyes as to block it out.

August's stared at me with a look of concern, he reached out towards me pulling me into a hug. I'm so emotional when it comes to her.

"I turned seeing Lilly on the floor.... so much blood.... worst of all the person drove away so it was me and Lilly. I ran to her she was alive but hurt! I called for an ambulance as I held her close too me... I loved her she was like my sister and best friend, my everything and she was there dying in my arms...." I held on to August tightly .

"Minutes felt like hours as the ambulance took her to the hospital.... everyone was there, me, my dad, Tessa and her family and Lilly and her parents.... she didn't make it... Tessa blames me as I was the last to see her. And maybe she was right if I didn't push her away she would still be here, we would still be a family...." August held me tighter to him.

"Don't blame yourself.... you were emotional and didn't know that would happen. Lilly would want you to move on and be happy she will always be here with you even if it doesn't feel like she is..." He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as tears streamed down my face.

"I miss her so much..... everyone" He held me closer as I cried.

August the new kid has seen me at my best and at my worst on multiple occasions. I guess what they say is true about me I get attached to easily.

"Thank you for being here.... please... don't leave me..." He gave me a tight squeeze.

"I promise... I'll be here for as long as I can or as long as you want me by your side..." Forever? Is what I wanted to say but I didn't at least not yet. I don't know what is happening or how I truly feel, at least not yet. But I want him to stick around... please let him stick around... please...

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