Chapter 1

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I walked into the crowded bar and just took a seat at the first bar stool I saw.

"What can I get you sweetie?" The female bartender asked me as she approached me.

"Rum and coke please." I said and she nodded. She took in my attire. I looked down at the bridesmaids dress I was wearing thanking god it was a short above the knee length black dress that was off the shoulders but had a silver slim belt around the waist.

"Date go wrong?" She asked and I huffed a laugh.

"If only it was that simple. I was just a maid of honor at my friend's wedding." I said and she nodded. She handed me my drink and walked away. I just stared down at my hands folded on the bar. My fingers instinctively felt over my ring finger on my left hand and I sighed. I felt tears start to fill my eyes and I took a deep breath.

-Nope, I won't do this, I won't cry over him.- I said in my mind and slightly shook my head. As I took a drink my cellphone went off. I looked at saw it was my friend who just got married calling me.

"Go have your wedding night please and stop worrying about me." I said with a slight laugh.

"Harper, Collin and I are worried about you though. You rushed out of the reception." My friend, Olivia said.

"I'm fine, I just had to get out of there. I have an early morning tomorrow." I said.

"I hear you in a bar Harper, it can't be that early of a morning." Olivia said and I just sighed.

"Listen, go have your wedding night. Tell Collin he better take care of you and treat you right. I will see you guys when you get back from your honeymoon in 2 weeks." I said.

"Alright, we love you." Olivia said and I smiled.

"I love you too and have a safe trip." I said and hung up. I had known Olivia since kindergarten when she shared her lunch with me when the class bully took mine and threw it in the trash. We had been best friends ever since and just became more like sisters as our lives went on. She met Collin about 5 years ago and it was a whirlwind romance. They were engaged within 5 months of knowing each other but took time to plan, get a house and get established in their careers before they got married.

"From the guy down the bar." The bartender said setting another drink in front of me since mine was empty. I didn't even remember drinking it. I smiled at the bartender.

"Which guy?" I asked and she pointed down the bar to this guy. He smiled and lifted his beer as in a toasting form. I did the same with my drink and smiled. He was cute, I had to admit it, too bad I had sworn off dating for a while. As I was getting ready to take a drink from the drink that was given to me my cellphone rang again. I just wanted a moment of silence, I know in a crowded bar makes no sense, but silence in my head would be nice. I looked at the name of the person who was calling me and I huffed a laugh and didn't answer the phone.

"Do you always ignore phone calls?" I heard a voice say and looked to the bar stool beside me to see it was the guy who bought me the drink.

"Only when it's from men who have made my shit list." I said and we both gave a small laugh.

"Well remind me not to get on that list." He said and I smiled at him, he then extended his hand.

"I'm Chris." He said and I placed my hand in his, ignoring the instant spark I felt.

"Harper." I said.

"Well, I must say Harper, you are the best dressed person here in the bar tonight. Were you planning on meeting someone?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

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