Chapter 14

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It had been a couple weeks since SJ's party and I was back at Chris's house. Things had been perfect and we re-did the kids rooms and put the bunkbeds in and got everything set up. It was a Saturday morning and I had gotten out of bed early to surprise everyone with breakfast. As I was cooking I turned on some music just because the silence was killing me. As I stood at the stove I swayed my hips slightly to the beat of the music and hummed to myself. I turned around to reach for the salt to salt the eggs I saw Chris leaning against the wall with his arms crossed watching me with a smile on his face.

"I like this view first thing in the morning." Chris said coming up behind me and placing his hands on my hips. I kept moving my hips to the beat and he leaned in and kissed my neck. I moaned in pleasure and he smiled against my neck.

"Good morning." I said once he stopped kissing me.

"Good morning indeed." Chris said not letting my hips go.

"I have to finish cooking. We do have to eat." I said and he smiled.

"Who says?" Chris asked and I heard his stomach grumble.

"You obviously." I said and he chuckled. I finished plating up the food.

"Can you go get SJ for me please?" I asked and he nodded giving me a kiss on my cheek and leaving the kitchen. After a couple of minute he came in carrying a sleeping SJ in his arms. He walked over to me and I went to where I was standing in front of SJ's face.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up." I said giving her a small kiss on the cheek and she whimpered.

"SJ come on, breakfast is ready." I said and she sighed but lifted her head. She looked at me and then smelled the food.

"Who cooked?" SJ asked.

"I did." I said and she smiled.

"I may have also made some bunny pancakes...." I trialed off and she started squirming to get away from Chris.

"Bunny pancakes?" Chris asked and I showed him the plate of pancakes made in the shape of a bunny head with long ears and he smiled. As we sat down at the table to eat the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, you ladies get started." Chris said and walked out of the kitchen. He came back in a couple minutes later with Carly.

"Good morning ladies." Carly said and I smiled at her.

"Good morning. Would you like a plate?" I asked and she smiled.

"Thank you." Carly said sitting at the table and I got up to get her a plate ready.

"So what do we owe your morning intrusion?" Chris asked Carly with a smile and I smacked his arm when I got back to the table.

"Be nice to your sister." I said and he smiled.

"I actually came by to see if SJ and Harper wanted to go shopping with me today?" Carly asked and I smiled.

"I would love to." I said and SJ smiled.

"Me too!" She said with a mouth full of food.

"SJ..." Chris and I both said together and then looked at each other and smiled.

"Well let's get finished so we can head out." Carly said as we all ate breakfast. As SJ and I went to get washed up and ready Carly stayed talking to Chris.

"So tonight is the night?" Carly asked and Chris smiled at her.

"Yeah mom, Scott and Shanna are coming over after you guys leave to help me get the backyard all set up." Chris said and smiled.

"What's the plan for tonight? Are you involving Dodger like you wanted to?" Carly asked and Chris shook his head.

"No, dude never listens to me anymore only SJ so that wouldn't work. I do have a plan for SJ though." Chris said and smiled.

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