Chapter 8

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It had been 2 weeks since the dinner with Jake and Valerie and I was letting SJ go over and spend the weekend with them. I only wanted it to be Friday night to Saturday evening when she would come home but they fought for the entire weekend. Jake was coming over to pick up SJ and I was a nervous wreck. I had finished packing her bag and set it by the door just to wait.

"SJ , I want to talk to you." I said sitting next to her on the couch, she seemed just as nervous to be leaving. "If you feel scared or nervous or just don't want to be there anymore you tell your dad or grandma you want to come home, okay? You tell them to call me and I will come and get you no matter what time." I said and she nodded.

"Aunt Harper, are you staying the night there too?" SJ asked and I shook my head.

"No sweetie, I am staying here." I said and she sighed.

"Are you going to see Chris?" SJ asked and I shook my head again.

"No, he had some work to do tonight so he isn't home." I said which was a lie. I knew he was home and he wanted to come over and see SJ off but I wouldn't let him since I knew I would break down the minute she left. I pulled her into a hug and just held her.

"Aunt Harper, what about our song?" SJ asked and I knew this would be a problem.

"I already talked to your dad and I recorded it and sent it to his phone. He said he will play it for you." I said and she half smiled.

"It won't be the same as if you were there to sing it to me." SJ said and I half nodded.

"I know sweetie but I think spending this time with your grandma and your dad will be good for you." I said and I knew it was a lie and this could only harm her in the long run. As I held her, I heard her sniff and I looked to see her crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm scared to be away from home Aunt Harper. I don't want to go." SJ said and I sighed.

"Sweetie, it will be okay. You will have a good time and I will see you in a couple of days." I said and she nodded and wiped her nose. I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to see Jake standing there.

"Hey, is she ready?" Jake asked excited.

"Yeah, here is her bag. I gave you a couple extra changed of clothes in case they are needed. Also, please make sure to play the song recording I sent you to her before bed. She will go right to sleep. She is also prone to nightmares so...-" I started to say and Jake held up his hand stopping me.

"I am her father Harper, I think I can figure it out." Jake said annoyed and I just sighed fighting back tears. I turned and looked at SJ.

"Hey, your dad is here." I said and she walked to the door.

"Is Mr. Puffington in my bag?" SJ asked about her stuffed bear she always slept with.

"Yep, all tucked away with your PJ's." I said and she smiled. I leaned down hugged her and gave her a kiss. Jake reached out and took her hand as they headed to the elevator.

"I love you SJ." I said as they waited for the elevator.

"I love you Aunt Harper, I'll miss you." She said and how she sounded broke my heart.

"I'll miss you too." I said as the elevator arrived. They got on and left. Once I shut the door, I fell against it and slide down to the floor crying. This was not how life was supposed to go with SJ. After a couple minutes of crying, I grabbed my keys, cellphone, slipped on my shoes and headed out of the apartment. I knew exactly where I would end up once I drove and arrived at Chris's gate. I still had the gate opener in my car so I just opened the gate and drove in. I got out of my car and rushed to his front door. I knocked rapidly and waited for him to open. He quickly opened the door.

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