Chapter 6

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It was the Wednesday and media coverage of Chris and I had finally died down. I was still always on high alert and didn't want to be spotted out and about on my own. I was sitting in my classroom for lunch when I heard a knock on the open classroom door. I looked up and saw Chris standing there holding a bag. I smiled and rushed over to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in shock and I kissed him once I reached him. He walked fully in the room and I shut the door.

"You text me this morning saying you were running late and had no time to pack a lunch so I brought you lunch." Chris said as we sat at my desk since he pulled up another chair I had in the room.

"You are an amazing boyfriend." I said and laughed as he got the food out the bag.

"I must also say I have ulterior motives for joining you for lunch today..." Chris trailed off.

"Let me couldn't go one more day without seeing my beautiful face in person?" I asked and laughed. We had been facetiming every night since the weekend we spent together. Chris laughed and shook his head.

"I mean that's the obvious answer...but no. I am inviting you to a dinner at my house Saturday night." Chris said and I smiled.

"Like a date for me and you?" I asked and he sighed.

"No, like a family dinner with my family, you and SJ." Chris said and I looked at him confused. "Remember when you met my brother over the weekend?" Chris asked and I took a bite of food and nodded. "Well, my mom saw all the news coverage outside the house and wondered what was going on. When you and SJ were in my room having that talk I called my mom and explained to her what was going on. She wants to meet you both and is planning a dinner at my house on Saturday night. Scott and my sisters are coming, my mom and my dad." Chris explained and I sighed.

"Isn't it kind of soon to meet everyone?" I asked and he half nodded.

"Exactly what I told her but she wouldn't take no for an answer." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"Then I guess I can't say no." I said and he smiled and kissed me.

"Do you want me to come pick you both up or do you want to drive to my house that night?" Chris asked.

"Which would you prefer?" I asked.

"I can come get you..." Chris said and I nodded and noticed how he trailed off.

"And let me guess after dinner you will just be entirely too tired to drive SJ and I home which will just force us to have to stay?" I asked in a sarcastic tone and Chris let out a huge laugh.

"Wow, you caught on to my evil plan quick." Chris said and I laughed as well.

"I did." I said and he kissed my cheek.

"I won't pressure you to stay." Chris said and I slightly shook my head.

"Just text me your address and I will drive myself so we don't have to switch out the booster seat and everything again." I said and Chris seemed slightly disappointed but understood.

"How should we dress for this dinner?" I asked and he smiled.

"Not super formal. I mean nice pair of jeans and nice top would be fine." Chris said and I nodded. I knew what was going to wear right away and I was happy I finally could since Olivia made me buy it.

"I am actually excited for you to meet everyone. I know it will be like throwing you in the lion's den right off the bat but I think you can handle it." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"Hey, I'm sure it will be great." I said and he smiled. We sat eating and talking for a little while longer and I heard the bell ring.

"Crap! I am a horrible teacher, I have to get my kids. You always make me late Mr. Evans." I said and he laughed.

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