Chapter 3

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It was Friday evening and I had just picked SJ up from preschool and she had no clue what we were about to go do once we got home and changed.

"Where are we going Aunt Harper?" SJ asked as I got changed into some jeans and a graphic t-shirt. SJ was changed into jeans and a t-shirt as well.

"I told you this morning it's a surprise. Now come on we don't want to be late." I said as we slipped on our shoes and then headed out the door. Once we were on the elevator, I pulled out my phone.

HARPER: Are we still on for our meeting?

I quickly got a response.

CHRIS: Yep, almost there. See you soon.

I smiled at the response. Once SJ and I got outside we got in the car and headed out. I kept getting questions from her the entire ride but I wouldn't give her any hints as to where we were going or what we were doing. We finally pulled into the park parking lot and she squealed.

"THE PARK!!" SJ screamed excited. I shook my head since this wasn't the surprise.

"This isn't even half of it kid." I said and she smiled as I got out of the car and then got her out of her booster seat. Once out of the car I looked around but didn't see who I was looking for. As I stood looking and holding SJ's hand beside me who was bouncing up and down clearly excited my cellphone went off.

CHRIS: I can see you...

I rolled my eyes.

HARPER: We are playing that game now?

CHRIS: You going to come and find me? 

I looked around for him and I spotted him across the park wearing jeans, a t-shirt, baseball cap and sunglasses. I smiled.

HARPER: Found you. 

I started walking and SJ came with me and we started walking to the far edge of the park.

"Aunt Harper, the playground is that way." SJ said.

"I know but we aren't going to the playground. I have another surprise for you." I said and SJ smiled. Once we approached closer, I saw something come running at us. I smiled knowing what it was but SJ got behind me, scared.

"Dodger!" I said excited as he reached me and jumped up on me. I started petting him as SJ came out from behind me.

"Say hi to Dodger SJ." I said and she smiled.

"Are we getting a dog?!" SJ asked excited.

"You know we can't have one, this guy belongs to a friend of mine. Would you like to go meet him?" I asked and SJ nodded. I noticed Dodger had a ball in his mouth. He then dropped it at my feet. I picked it up and threw it towards Chris. SJ let go of my hand and ran after Dodger. Once I arrived in front of Chris I smiled.

"Hi." I said and he smiled back.

"Hi." He said. I looked down at SJ.

"SJ, this is my friend Chris and Dodger is his dog. Can you say hi?" I asked and she smiled.

"Hi Chris." SJ said as Dodger sat beside her and she started petting his head.

"Nice to meet you SJ." Chris said and she smiled at him. She then motioned for me to lean down to her, I did.

"He is very cute." SJ not so subtle whispered in my ear. I noticed Chris hold in a laugh from the corner of my eye. I just looked at SJ and semi nodded.

"I know." I said and she giggled.

"Chris...?" SJ asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes SJ?" Chris asked.

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