Chapter 7

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Dinner was ready and we were all getting ready to sit at the table.

"Someone needs to go get the kids." Shanna said and I smiled.

"I'll go, I want to get SJ washed up anyways." I said.

"Thank you." Carly said and I walked to the kids room and heard the laughing all the way down the hall. I smiled that SJ was having fun playing with the kids in Chris's family. I appeared at the bedroom door.

"Hey Aunt Harper!" SJ said and I smiled at her.

"Hey guys! Having fun?" I asked.

"TONS!" Miles exclaimed and I gave a small laugh.

"Well, I hate to be a buzz kill but dinner is ready and you all need to get washed up." I said. They all got up and headed to the bathroom that was across the hall. It had 2 sinks so it made it go faster to wash all of their hands. Once they were all washed up, we all headed back to the dining room.

"Hey, there you are." Chris said coming over to me and giving me a small kiss.

"Did you think I ran away?" I asked and he huffed a laugh.

"I didn't know what stories my mom and sisters told you." Chris said and I looked at his sister and mom and we all laughed.

"Now I'm terrified." Chris said and turned bright red.

"Nothing too bad but clearly somethings we have to talk about because I have questions..." I said and laughed. He leaned down and gave me a small kiss. I got SJ's plate all made and then sat her in the chair at the kids table we had set up with small chairs for the kids and we all sat at the bigger table. Chris sat next to me and held my hand under the table the whole-time during dinner and I kept catching him looking at me and smiling as I joined in conversations with his family.

"Harper, I would love to ask you a question and I don't want it to be too forward..." Scott started and I just looked at him across the table.

"Scott..." Chris trailed off in a warning tone.

"No, it's okay. I mean this dinner is about getting to know me so I will answer any question that is asked." I said to Chris and he sighed and gently squeezed my hand.

"Okay, ask away." Chris said knowing I was maybe going to regret this decision.

"So, if you and my brother end up making this work and getting married will you quit your job and expect Chris to provide for you and your family? And if that's the case, would you want him to adopt your niece and give her the Evans last name?" Scott asked and I knew that these questions were very straight forward and caught everyone, not just me off guard.

"Scott...seriously?!" Shanna asked in shock and I could feel Chris tense beside me.

"Scott, listen, I don't want to make too many plans for the future with Chris and get my hopes up. If we get to that point in our relationship, we can discuss together how life is going to work. As far as adopting SJ to give her the Evans last name, that's an even bigger discussion to have, one that includes SJ." I said. Chris untensed beside me, as did his entire family. Scott seemed happy with the answer as my cellphone starting vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw it was Jake.

"I need to take this, excuse me." I said getting up from the table and quickly walking to the living room.

"Hello?" I answered the phone in a low tone.

"Hey, I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and see SJ if that's okay?" Jake said and I could tell he was sober and in a sensible mood.

"I wish I could Jake but we aren't home." I said and he groaned.

"Why are you never home?" Jake asked getting upset.

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