Chapter 5

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It was the afternoon at Chris's and he said the media presence outside his out was dying down when he snuck outside to look. SJ started to get sleepy as we all lounged on the couch watching movies.

"Is there a spare room or somewhere I could take her so she can be comfy?" I asked and Chris nodded and picked her up. I followed him down a hallway to a bedroom and smiled when we walked into a kids room.

"You spoil your nephews and niece, don't you?" I asked and Chris laughed.

"What gave it away?" Chris asked sarcastically. He laid SJ down on the one bed and I covered her up. I kissed her cheek and then Chris did the same. Dodger had followed us in and laid on the floor by the bed.

"Come on buddy, let her sleep." Chris said and we went to leave the room trying to get Dodger to go with us and he whimpered.

"You want to stay?" Chris asked and he wagged his tail as he stayed laying down.

"Alright, take care of her." I said and we walked out. Once out of the bedroom Chris grabbed my hand but we didn't head back to the living room, we headed down the hallway further.

"Where are we going?" I asked and Chris smiled as we walked to his room.

"You think I didn't notice you nodding off too?" Chris asked and I just hung my head hiding a smile.

"So, you are giving me your bed to sleep in?" I asked.

"No, I am sleeping with you in my bed." Chris said and I looked at him in slight shock.

"Chris...I..." I started to say.

"Harper, I'm not expecting anything but taking a nap with you. I mean I slept with you on your couch last night, this isn't much different just on my bed. And honestly we can cuddle better now that I don't have a kid sleeping on me." Chris said and we both laughed.

"This is going to be a strange question, but I can't sleep in jeans, do you possibly have a pair of sweatpants or something I could borrow?" I asked and he huffed a laugh but nodded and went to his dresser and pulled a pair out with a drawstring. I went into his connected bathroom and changed. I also took off my t-shirt since I had a tank top underneath it because it was a thin shirt. I walked out and saw Chris in sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Figured if you were getting comfy I would too." Chris said and I laughed. I waited until he got into bed to see what side he wanted and then I got in. Once we were both in bed, we got comfortable and I faced Chris and draped my arm across his midsection and he held on to me.

"This is nice." I said resting my head on his chest.

"It really is." Chris said and kissed the top of my head. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep as was Chris.


A couple hours later I woke up when I felt something moving on the bed that hadn't been there before. I barely opened my eye and saw SJ climbing on the bed and trying to get between Chris and I.

"Hey missy, what do you think you are doing?" I whispered and she gave a weak smile.

"I had a bad dream and I want to cuddle." She said and I nodded. I moved off of Chris which wasn't easy since he was still holding on to me and I placed her in the middle of us. I noticed Dodger on the foot of the bed. SJ got comfortable and turned to face me.

"Aunt Harper?" She questioned and I opened my eyes back up.

"Yeah sweetie?" I asked. We were whispering so we didn't wake Chris.

"Do you like Chris?" SJ asked and I looked at her funny.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't be dating him if I didn't." I said and she smiled.

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