Chapter 9

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It had been a month since Chris and I called a break on our relationship and he was already in England filming. He had talked to SJ before he left and explained everything to her and she seemed to understand. Things for her and I were getting easier day by day and Chris was slowly working himself out of my daily thoughts. I didn't want him to but I knew if I was going to get on to a normal life while he was filming, I needed to move him from my mind. I hadn't talked to Chris since the day he left when he called before he got on the plane to tell me bye. SJ had not been back to my mom's house since the weekend she stayed with them and that was my choice. She came back traumatized and I would not do that to her anymore. I was getting ready to go out to the park with SJ when there was a knock on my door, I answered it to see a guy in a suit standing there.

Can I help you?" I asked confused.

"Harper Alexander?" He asked.

"Yes." I said confused. He shoved a big manila envelope at me.

"You have been served." He said and walked away once I took the envelope. I closed the door and opened the envelope. I saw court papers for custody from my brother and my mother coming after me for custody of SJ.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said annoyed.

"Aunt Harper, is everything okay?" SJ asked from the couch.

"Yeah sweetie, everything is fine." I said smiling at her as I sat the paperwork on the counter.

"Ready to go to the park?" I asked and she nodded. We headed out and got in the car and headed to the park. Once we were out of the car and near the playground, I let SJ run ahead of me.

"Harper?" I heard a voice ask and I looked over and saw Chris's sister, Carly sitting on a bench. Once I looked over, I saw Dodger sitting at her feet. He rushed over to me and jumped on me.

"Dodger! Hey buddy!" I said and loved on him. I then walked over and hugged Carly. I sat next to her on the bench and looked at saw SJ had already found Carly's kids on the playground and they were all playing.

"How have you been?" Carly asked and I sighed.

"Okay, I guess. Today was difficult." I said and she looked at me oddly.

"Something about Chris?" Carly asked and I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"I haven't heard from Chris since he left. We are on somewhat of a break right now." I said and Carly nodded.

"I know, he told us." Carly said and I nodded with a huffed laugh.

"Of course he did. Did he at least tell you all why?" I asked and she shrugged.

"He just said it was something about him leaving and then personal family issues you were having and you didn't want him dragged into it." Carly explained and I nodded.

"That's exactly it, not so much him leaving but my family issues for sure. Family issues that got worse today actually." I said.

"Harper, just because your aren't dating my brother at the moment doesn't mean you can't talk to me and tell me what's going on." Carly said and I nodded.

"I know, it's just a lot. I got served custody court papers today. Jake and my mom are taking me to court to get custody of SJ." I said and Carly looked at me shocked.

"Are you serious?" Carly asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, she hasn't been with them since that weekend when it all went to hell but now, they want custody." I said and I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"You can fight them, right?" Carly asked and I shook my head.

"I don't have money for a lawyer, not a good one anyways. I will probably need to use a public defender and they are pretty shitty." I said and Carly sighed.

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