Chapter 10

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It was the next day and Chris actually had the day off from filming so he wanted to take SJ and I around sightseeing. Who knew when we would get to come back so we took full advantage of being the tourists. We were ending our day outside of town in a place called Chester where there was a famous zoo. We were standing looking at the Zebras since that was SJ's new fascination when Chris walked behind me, placed his arms around my waist and held on also placing his chin on my shoulder. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his and just held on.

"I am so happy you two are here." Chris whispered and I nodded in agreement.

"Me too." I said. I turned my head to look at him and gave him a small kiss.

"I'm so sorry I broke up with you." I said once we broke apart and Chris shook his head.

"Technically we were just taking a break, I wouldn't let you break up with me." Chris said and we both gave a small laugh. SJ looked back at us, excited.

"Aunt Harper! Look there is a baby!" SJ said excited pointing back to the zebras and I smiled seeing a baby.

"It's adorable." I said and she nodded. After a couple of minutes Chris released me from around my waist. SJ walked over to him and he assumed the position they had taken walking the zoo and he put her on his shoulders. He then grabbed my hand and we continued walking. We heard people around us mentioning Chris's name in hushed but I wasn't letting it bug me. I was just happy to here with Chris. After a couple more hours we headed back to the apartment Chris was staying at while they filmed. I laid SJ down on the spare room bed since she was asleep for her nap. Chris and I walked back out to the living room and sat down on the couch. Once I was sitting down Chris grabbed my legs, swinging them over his lap and started rubbing my feet. I let my head fall back and moan in pleasure. I then looked and noticed Chris smiling at the moan.

"You make noises like that for this too huh?" He asked and I just laughed.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, I can't help it if this feels amazing." I said and we laughed again.

"So, I have been meaning to ask you, how did you get out of work for all this time?" Chris asked.

"Well, I never take a vacation or even sick days, so I have time accumulated. After the court case I knew I had to be here with you. You made me keeping her possible. I knew then more than ever that you were in this for the long haul." I said and Chris smiled. He stopped rubbing my feet and crawled to where he was hovering over me.

"I'm not going anywhere." Chris said and leaned down and kissed me passionately. We didn't break apart for a while and just laid making out. We weren't sure if the other one wanted to take it further but we just kept it with making out. At one point Chris broke apart the kiss and I just looked at him. He was running his hand through my hair and looked at me admiringly.

"Let's go on a date tonight." Chris said and I looked at him oddly.

"But SJ...?" I asked and he smiled.

"Remember Nancy from set yesterday?" Chris asked and I nodded. "Well while we were leaving yesterday, she said if we wanted to go out just the two of us while you were here, she would be more than willing to watch SJ." Chris said and I smiled but was unsure.

"You have spent more time with Nancy than I have, do you trust her?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"I do, her and SJ seemed to get along well too." Chris said and I knew he was right. The whole time on set her and Nancy were like best friends.

"Well in that case, I would love to go out with you tonight." I said. Chris smiled and went back in to kiss me. We made out for a little bit longer and then he got up and called Nancy. She was more than willing to come over and watch SJ while we went out. He then called and made a reservation at a fancy restaurant and I tried to find something I could wear. As I started to get frustrated there was a knock on the apartment door and I knew it was too early for Nancy to arrive. Chris answered the door.

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