| Of Gears and Humanity

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Before time, before history, before thoughts were recorded and written on paper, Earth was more than a planet. Moons and anchored asteroids propelled around it. Stars larger than the last known sun brightened its horizons. In its own way, with its own force, Earth was a galaxy amongst galaxies, sustaining life and knowledge through parallel dimensions known to everyone within its atmosphere.

Until the day they forgot.

Separated by ignorance, those upon Earth were secluded within their own corner of the planet. History of the other realms faded away with the winds beating the mountains, with the waves pushing into the sands along the oceans. The pages where history carried the memories of one another were burned. War and rebellion left those still living in the dark.

None would remember the truths of their existence. How machines carried humans throughout their evolution. How humans learned to maintain and build their mechanical counterparts. And how intelligence and greed separated the two.

This is one of their stories.


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