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The sun dipped below the trees. The day still looked at us, giving us the hooded eyes of early evening. As long as the moon stayed at bay for another hour, I knew we could complete this tour. We had to.

For Damien's sake. And mine.

Trees weren't weightless. They were heavy, and with a straight face, I watched the members of my royal guard gather together to push them, as best as they could, out of the way. Once my path was made, I hopped on Carmine's back and had him trot forward. And as sweat dripped down their brow, I thanked them.

"Elena." Damien followed close at my side. He gripped the front of Carmine's reigns, glancing around the forest as we marched ahead. The guards behind us follow, but kept distance; a security measure I knew very well.

At least, it is the one thing my father told the truth about.

My focused stayed ahead. I watched the movements in the trees, shadows disguised and hidden within the leaves. I tried to spot movement, any surprise. Damien mentioned an Attribution, but I wasn't sure if a robot would appear, or those mechanical beasts.

The same beasts Theo and everyone knew all about from their training.

Unlike me.

"Elena," Damien hissed my name again, trying to get my attention. I glanced at him, biting my lip, and met his stare. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"What is there to be sure of?" I whispered. "I promised to get you back home, and I will. I never go back on my word."

"But didn't you hear what I said?" Moving close to Carmine, he matched my horse's pace. "They know I'm here. And he isn't one to back down."

The palms of my hands burned. Fingers lightly pressed up into Carmine's mane, I wondered if the warmth of his hair made me sweat. Or was it nerves?

Letting out a hard breath, I shook my head. "If he isn't one to back down, then he should be happy we aren't either." The trees ahead curved in. Branches bent abnormally. Dying. I knew we were close. After another half-hour, we would reach the deadlands; the Gate would be just after.

"Elena, you're not listening."

I wasn't. At least, not in the way Damien wanted from me. He wanted me to react to what he said, retreat, and follow Theo's command. But the boy from the Gate forgot to realize that I soon would be in my father's shoes, and the group of men and women behind me needed to learn that I, too, was an authority. Touching the mechanical stones of the Gate would solidify that in their eyes, and I would be untouchable.

Yet, within all of my selfishness and insecurities, I needed Damien to remember my promise. It was my fault he jumped over the Gate to save me from the creatures his people created. If it hadn't been for him, I would be dead. And... if he hadn't joined me, against his will, to the Lake, I would have died there, too.

As the thoughts meshed together, I lowered my head, closed my eyes, and sighed.

I need him, don't I?

"Elena, stop!" Damien hissed, demanding, but as quietly as he could.

I didn't want to stop, but Carmine obeyed. His trots stopped as soon as Damien made his emotional order. With a grunt, Carmine shook his head, releasing my hands from his mane.

Folding my arms across my chest, I frowned and shook my head. "Carmine, really?" I hissed to my horse. "I'm the only one you're supposed to take orders from."

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