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Damien lunged at Eon with such ferocity, that his yell cut through the air. My hands fell to my side as I watched his sword cut into the side of Eon's face. The Attribution reacted accordingly; he recoiled and screamed, rushing back into the dirt. But that didn't stop Damien from swinging again, and again.

On the fourth swing, I looked at everyone else below. No one moved. Both human and machine watched the fight with wide eyes. The anger in the air mesmerized every soul watching—organic and mechanical.

I had no time to stare.

"Leo!" I called below to my trusted friend. Holding his wounds, he looked up at me. He too had been glued to the fight and needed to rip his gaze from it.

But as I had his attention, I knelt and extended my hand. "I'm coming back down," I shouted.

"Down?" Theo glanced around him before looking back at me. "Elena, it isn't safe here!"

Glancing around at the fight below, I saw the dangers. But I also see the lack thereof.

The Attributions and humans had ceased their fight. They were stuck, watching in awe, as Damien, Arvon, and Eon fought each other. With each landed blow, they'd flinch, step back, and cover their faces. I didn't want them to be on the sidelines, but I knew it was safe. If they got involved, would the surrounding Attributions attack? I couldn't take the risk.

But I also couldn't remain on top of the Gate and just...watch.

"Theo!" I put one leg over the Gate's ledge. "I'm going to come down!"

Theo stood, clutching his side. He shook his head. "Elena, I've always admired your bravery but—"

"If you don't try to catch me, I will jump, and who knows how I'll land, Theo!" I wanted to scream at him. Now wasn't the time to treat me like a flower. I wasn't delicate. I wasn't small. The time was ticking for me to become Queen and I needed to behave as such. Leaders fought in wars. And I needed to do the same.

I flipped my other leg over next to the first. Sitting with both legs dangling over the edge, I prepared myself for the fall. But when Theo struggled to stand, I realized that wasn't the best choice. I needed to be gentle. If I hurt him more than he already was, if I increased his injuries, I wouldn't forgive myself.

Taking in a deep breath, I turned.

Theo shouted from below. "Elena!"

I glanced down at him. One of his hands was outstretched up towards me. He was prepared to catch me. But a bright flashing light caused me to look behind him, at Damien.

Damien's sword sliced through Eon's hand. The Attribution cried out as his liquid spilled out of him, onto the ground, puddling around them. Angry, red eyes turned to Damien, but Damien didn't budge. He remained in front of Arvon, protecting his father. He held his sword firm in front of him.

"I'm going to kill you!" Eon shouted.

"Not if I kill you first!" Damien stepped back, lowering his voice. But I heard him. I felt his anger from his words in the air around us. "And I'm going to kill you..."

That was my cue. I couldn't let Damien fight alone. I never wanted him to do this without me, but I needed to be the voice for my people. They heard me, saw me, and now I could return to Damien. He needed me, too.

"Okay..." I slowly inched down away from the Gate's ledge, positioning my feet within the cracks on the wall. Pieces of it broke away. I looked down enough to watch them roll to the ground. Theo remained with his arm up, waiting for me. "Okay..." I whispered to myself.

To say I wasn't afraid would be a lie. But the need to be better, be stronger for everyone around me outweighed that.

I lowered myself an inch.

"Elena!" Theo called up to me. "I've got you, come on!"

Another inch. And another.


I looked down once more. Theo called me, yes, but it wasn't him I looked at. It was Damien. Eon was ready to charge, his back leg pressed into the dead earth. His lips pulled back into a snarl as he bared his teeth. Damien pulled his arms back, ready to counter the attack.

But I saw Eon's hand. It lit up as bright as the moon, the sun, and the flames that bordered my home. He would strike against the sword, and I don't know if Damien knew. If he could see, then he wouldn't just prepare his sword. He needed to run, to pull Arvon out of harm's way if he wanted to save him.

I need to save them.

I let go.

A million thoughts passed through my mind as the air rushed through my ears. Damien's face came to mind; the first night I saw him. The excited, anxious smile on his face. It was as if he'd seen a ghost, and little did I know then, for him, it was exactly that. To have lived his whole life believing he was alone. And now... he had a family with us. If not with Theo, with Marleth, he did with me.

As the air rushed again, my mind shifted to my father. Happy memories of when I was a child. He was a good man, a good king. Having learned everything about him, his choices, the treaty created by our ancestors, I saw him in a different light. I hated that light. But I believe a misguided man could change if given the right chance.

We all need a chance.

I crashed into Theo's body. He grunted but caught me. He helped me stand on my feet and cupped my face. "Elena, you're okay."

"I am." I searched his eyes. "Are you?"

"I am," he said.

Knowing he was okay was all I needed. I touched his cheek before moving around him. Eon's hand was brighter at his side. The glow nearly blinding. How could Damien not see it? Did he think nothing would come of it?

"Damien!" I hurried towards him, screaming his name. When he looked back at me, I shook my head and extended my hand. "Look out!"

Eon's hand pushed forward. The light from his attack gleamed against Damien's blade. No. I was the reason for this. Eon had been waiting for an opening, for Damien to lose focus. And I'd done that by calling his name.

Inside, I screamed.

"No!" Arvon shouted as his arms wrapped around Damien's waist. With one pull, he lifted Damien off his feet. And threw him.

Damien slid across the dead earth towards my feet. I jumped to reach him, landing beside him. I held him close as we both watched Eon's hand push forward. The light, the fire, erupted from his palm, breaking through Arvon's chest.

As the Attribution leader called out and screamed, so did Damien. His pain shot through me. "Father!"

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