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It started with the smoke behind the trees. It was quick, followed by the explosion. I know Elena couldn't recognize the sound; she didn't react as she should've. So when the second bang erupted, I pushed her out the way and covered her with my body. It was the only thing I could do.

"Get down!" The sound of my voice vibrated in my chest with the same force of the explosions on the Earth. Her terrified hands reached up to my chest and around my neck as she grabbed me. I held her close, pressing her face against my shoulder as I glanced up at the trees.

Carmine rushed by the rock, kicking and screaming as danger approached. His back legs bucked as he turned back towards the path. I hoped he got someone's attention; someone should have noticed this. Heard it. It was big, loud, and the smoke drifted up into the sky and around us.

Elena whimpered as she tried to look around. "What's going on?" Her fingers tensed around the collar of my clothes. "Damien, what's happening!"

I had an idea of what was happening, but I wasn't sure if I should tell her. A part of me wanted to tell her to run back to the path, rejoin her group of guards. Yet, I wasn't sure if they were safe either. Had they been attacked in silence? Attributions were the masters of stealth and evasion.

It was how Eon found me without detection.

"Carmine!" Elena's head shot up as she forced herself to look around. Still holding on to me, she turned her body against the grass. "Theo! The others!"

Gritting my teeth, I looked back towards the path. Smoke came from their direction, too. Carmine must have known.

"We have to go back to them!" Elena pushed at my shoulders. I moved an inch, giving her space, but I refused to move as her cover. Her frustrated eyes looked up at me as they brimmed with tears. "Damien, we need to! If they're hurt, we—"

"I need to keep you safe." I gently placed her against the rock as I crouched in front of her. Checking her for injuries, I needed to make sure I didn't hurt her when I'd pushed her. She was okay; at least, okay as she okay be.

Pulling my gaze from hers, I looked over the stone and into the trees. More smoke drifted in with the wind. Darker. Heavier. I clenched my jaw as I caught the smell of mental in the air.

"Damien, we need to go back," she whispered, her voice trembling.

I glanced down at her as realization set in. Smoke may have come from the direction of her guards, but what if they were okay? They could escape. With her. She could get back to the castle as I head for the Gate.

I would be out of their way, and I'd take the danger with me.

"We'll go back." Standing, I extended a hand for her to grab. When our fingers linked, I pulled her up and against my chest. I kept her close as I scanned the area again. "And when you're back with Theo, you're going to go back to the castle."

Elena gasped as she pushed against me. "What? No! We're not going back, we're—"

"You're in danger, Elena," I hissed, looking down at her face. "All of this is happening because I'm here, and I've learned the truth about my life."

"Truth?" Elena whispered. "Damien..."

The ground below our feet vibrated. Sounds of slamming steps echoed. Attributions weren't heavy, made from the lightest alloy, but whatever approached us was massive. And considering we weren't far from the Gate, it wouldn't be long until it reached us.

"Come on." I cupped my hand around hers and turned towards the path. I covered my face as we pushed through the cloud of smoke. The sounds of shouts and Carmine's screamed were close by. "We need to get you to them."

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