| E P I L O G U E

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[Two months later]


I stood in front of Homestead. A red carpet rolled out for me, my path to my coronation. Everyone had worked together to build a stage for me. The castle wasn't enough. I was beyond my father's footsteps, beyond those of my ancestors. I was a new set of shoes with new ideas and light, the townspeople felt I needed a new place to stand and receive my crown.

I was thankful for it. I told them they didn't need to, but I accepted it. What my people wanted, they would get; as long as it was within all of our means.

But for them, I'd make sure it all would be.

"Are you ready?" Marleth stood at my side, fixing the foods in my gown's sleeve. She pulled at the fabric and allowed my shoulder room and space. I glanced at her and smiled; her pale blue dress matched mine. The same shimmer, the same shine. Only mine was red. Still, I needed Marleth to have a gown for today, too.

I looked down at my hands. "Are you asking if I'm ready to accept my crown, or if I'm ready to become Queen?"

Marleth moved around, fixing the fabric across my other shoulder. "Both," she said simply.

Both? I laughed. "I suppose." I glanced at her. "I suppose I am."

"Suppose?" Marleth cocked a brow. "You weren't raised to suppose. You've been certain you're entire life, what makes today any different?"

There were a few differences. Over the past few days, my nerves had gotten the best of me. Attributions from the Gate crossed over and entered our town. That wasn't the issue; I wanted them to come and I welcomed them as they deserved to be. Like the boy had said two weeks ago, they were family.

But I was worried I wouldn't be a good enough Queen for them, too. Yes, my people knew me and expected what would come from my upbringing and willpower. To them, I'd be the strongest Queen they'd seen.

The Attributions knew nothing of royalty. I wasn't a Queen to them; I was a leader. Guidance. And even that, I wasn't so sure of. The Attribution had said it; she didn't know me. So, how would they follow someone they didn't know?

"I thought Damien would be there with me to accept my crown," I said.

Marleth frowned. "He will be here, yes, but to be up there with you..." She sighed. "Elena, Damien isn't a King and has no crown to receive."

"What if we made him one?" I blinked. "What if he was able to receive one alongside me and—"

"To make him one would take days, Elena," Marleth said. "We cannot wait days for this."

"We've waited months already," I hissed so those ahead of us couldn't hear. On the sides of the red carpet were seats. Everyone in town filled them. The Attributions stood on the outside, waiting for the coronation to begin. I wondered if they knew what the day meant.

"And that is why we cannot wait another second, Elena." She reached out and grabbed my hand. With the other, she motioned for the people and Attributions of Homestead. "I understand you're afraid, Elena—"

"I'm not afraid," I whispered.

"—But you can do this. You have to."

I know I can, but I would feel better when he's by my side.

I sucked in a deep breath. I knew Marleth was right. She always was. And with her holding my hand, I felt the strength of an older sister rush through me. Before Damien, I had Marleth, and Marleth never, ever, let me do things on my own. If I needed support, she was right beside me.

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