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My mom keeps bringing up the topic of my love life. Like we could have a conversation school, church, even tv shows, and the topic of men and my love life would always make its way into the conversation. Then there are times when my mom just randomly brings up the topic in front of my dad. Can you say awkward to the max. She knows my type, international i.e. Mexican, South American, or Middle Eastern. She knows. But bringing it up all the time gets annoying and then when she pushes it, like dude just stop.

And don't get me started on her going through the pictures on my computer. I mean I know we all share my computer but going through my pictures are off limits. Why do you think I put a lock on my phone and iPad? And if I don't have a lock on it, I'm very hesitant about giving my phone even to my best friend, and he knows more about me than anybody. But when I see him open that pictures app I'm real quick about taking my phone back. There are some things that should be for my eyes only, aka pictures of him that he doesn't know I have. If someone was to see my pictures I would pretty much die because I have pictures of countless shirtless men, secret crushes, vacation spots that nobody knows about, and other random things that I know my friends would give me crap about. So pictures are off limits, and the fact that about half of those pictures are of international shirtless men only makes conversations between my mom, and sometimes dad, and I worse.

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