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Today is the day that I leave LA. I don't want to leave. I have nothing better to do than sit at home on my iPhone/iPad all day so at least in LA I was able to get out and explore. I mean why did we have to leave anyways? My cousin and I aren't in school, she can call off for another week, and my brother is on spring break. But you know what, it's whatever because if I stayed any longer I would have to deal with my grandmother, which is something I don't want to do. I mean I love her but this trip has shown me a side of her that I never thought I'd see. It also caused me to act a way I'd never thought I'd act towards her, but in all honesty, she deserved it. I mean I'm 20 years old and don't need someone else micromanaging my every move. Like if I want to eat dessert for breakfast, I should be able to and not hear your mouth about my food choices. Then she wants to keep us out all late and wake us up early in the morning while we're staying at someone else's house. And don't get me started on her micromanaging everything that goes on in said house, which isn't hers. Like if the hosts of the house say we can sleep in and we don't have to take out the trash, why wake us up early and keep begging her to let us take out the trash. That can be taken as offensive by anyone, which is something that my grandmother fails to see. And telling my cousin how to do her hair when it's HER hair and telling her not to wear a hat when she clearly said her hair wasn't looking right is completely and utterly wrong.

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