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So I'm kinda obsessed with Brazilian Português because I legit plan to live in Brazil, particularly Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Brasília for at least 6 months. Why you ask? Well one, my favorite national team is in fact Brazil. Two, I absolutely love the culture and the beaches. And three...Neymar. I mean who wouldn't move to Brazil for Neymar cuz if you wouldn't you're loco en la cabesa. Ok maybe I'm the crazy one but he is my favorite international football player of all time so.

On a different note, I'm traveling to LA for a couple weeks starting Tuesday. It all kinda just happened. So I was leaving work and called my mom to see if she was going to pick me up or not then she was like my grandma and cousin are leaving for LA for Passover, do I wanna go. My grandma is very big on the whole Jewish culture so she believes in Passover, Lent, Ramadan, the whole nine. So long story short, we found a cheap ticket and my cousin bought it for me. So come Tuesday, I'll be in LA baby! OMG I'M SO FRIGGIN EXCITED!!!!! Oh and just before I forget...você é linda em todos os sentidos. Fique incrível. Aka you're beautiful in every single way. Stay amazing.

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