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So I work for a non profit handing out food to the homeless in the Bronx, Uptown, and Downtown Manhattan. It's amazing because I get to help people who nobody wants to help. Only thing that pisses me off is the amount of sexual harassment I get just by doing my job, and not by the other volunteers but by the homeless males we're helping. I usually let it slide because they just tell me I'm beautiful or call me sweetheart and things like that, but some of them take it too far asking if I have a boyfriend. I always answer with "I'm not answering that question" to keep myself safes d even though I don't have a boyfriend, I don't feel like I need to put my business out there for my own protection. But when you come at me saying "oh I can be your boyfriend" and I deny you, why would you then say "oh you do have a boyfriend, we'll do you want me to shoot him for you?" Like dude *insert Jackie chan mind blown picture here*!!!! Why on earth would you do that? I don't know you and you don't know me so why would you even think about stepping into a situation where you do not belong.

Now I have a temper and I could've easily said "I could shoot you right now" or "trust me if you had any sense you wouldn't do that because then you'll be dealing with me and I'm not afraid to cut a nigga" or I could've just punched him or something like that. The only reason I didn't was because I was around the other volunteers and homeless people we were feeding so I held my cool. And like I said I usually let that stuff slide cuz I'm a pretty chill person but when you make those type of statements I will not tolerate it and will not be afraid to get physical.

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