(35) Self Doubt & Proposals

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(6 Months Later)


Baby Nova was six months already, it was taxing but totally worth it. I could not believe that within eight months she would start walking. My body was bouncing back, I had managed to get into callisthenics training in order to get my body strong and built. Joonas would be watching me do some crazy flips and stuff on our pull up bar at home.

But at the same time, I felt exhausted and drained. But my baby needed me so I force myself out of bed. Joonas was getting frustrated with me, I didn't mean it's not my fault.

I decided to leave baby Nova with Aleksi and Joel for a day or two, trying to get my head on straight. Joonas would want to get intimate but I didn't want any of that.

"What the fuck is the matter Miranda? You barely speak or eat? You're always crying or look dead!" Joonas yells and I felt the tears.

"Because I feel so fucking dead inside and you shouting at me constantly is making me feel worse Joonas!" I yelled getting in his face, I shoved him away from me and slammed the nursery door shut.

I found myself grabbing my jacket and visiting the only person I knew who could make me feel good was Olli. I decided to visit him because he had read about parenting guides and I needed some help on this. I mean Joonas was great and all but he did not understand.

It was raining hard, but I didn't care and I saw the apartment that said Matela and knocked on the door. The bassist opened the door, it was so odd to see him in a regular shirt and sweatpants. Because he always those black button-up shirts.

"Miranda?" The bassist asks me, letting me into his flat and I was soaking wet, I didn't want to see Niko or anyone.

"I need your help, you have books right on parenting. I am feeling dead inside and I was thinking maybe you can help me. Niko and Joonas live close to each other and I do not need them gossiping." I said, and Olli sighed and let me in.

"Hold on let me warm up the kettle and get you some tea, and some clothes to change into." Olli says, he vanished into his bedroom and he came back holding his black t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms.

"The bathroom is over, and I will see what I can find." Olli says, while I disappear and change into his clothes. I looked at my make-up it was a mess and wiping it off. I splashed some water on my face and walked.


Something seemed dead inside Miranda, and I was worried. I sat with Nova because Joel had something to do, what the hell is up with this man? The blonde-haired one was rushing around.

"Joel are you okay?" I called and he nods. "What on earth is going through your uncle's head at times? I got no clue." I said to the little infant, while she began to say something and it cracked me up. It was insane how blue her eyes were, they were an interesting shade of blue. Like it seemed that they were a mixture of blue and green like mother and father.

I decided to put Nova down for a nap, and gently laid her in the play pal that we brought in case Miranda and Joonas needed the time out.

"Sweet dreams Nova, I'll be right here. " I said while taking up a baby monitor and walking inside my room and I found Joel on one knee.

"Uh, Joel what's happening?" I asked the blonde-haired one, I was in shock his hair was up in a bun and hoodie. Oh no, is he proposing? Hell no! This is insane. Scarlet by In This Moment was playing the song that we shared our kiss the first time too.

"Well Aleksi Mathias Kaunisvesi from the moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. So would you m-marry me?" Joel stutters out. I was in shock, please God Nova don't cry now.

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