chapter 1

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EHeM y'all BaLd🙇👀
Naruto was sent on a mission with sora but they felt a different presence there and when they went to figure out who it was it was a mysterious man and he came forward to them and said "My Name is count dracula and you have something of mine so please return it or I will take it by force." He said seriously but naruto being naruto said "WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING OF YOURS BAKAA!" and Sora's eyes widen in shock but dracula said " you are mine I claimed you from the beging of your life so you should be thanking me and you belong to me nobody else." And Sora's and narutos eyes widen and dracula launched himself forward and attacked sora only and naruto quickly pulled sora towards the Exit and they ran together to report to Lady tsunade and it took forever because there was people attacking them and they had no choice but to fight and they were tired of running but they got there and they walked towards Tsunade's office and they knocked and Tsunade said "come in." And they walked in and naruto said "GRANNY TSUNDE!" And naruto ran towards her and he was gonna tell her what happened but before she was about to speak sora did "Lady tsunade there was a person saying he claimed naruto and he took care of him and his name is count dracula" and tsunade's eyes widen she never thought they would meet him but they did so she said "never go near him alright? And naruto stay safe okay? Because who knows when he might attack" she muttered the last part to herself but naruto said "I am going to ask pervy sage if he wants to get miso ramen!" And tsunade thought *the same old naruto always liking Ramen* she smiled to herself unaware that a pair of eyes were spying on them.
:WORDS 325:

Naruto x yandere!count dracula Where stories live. Discover now