chapter 8

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(???pov) hmm my plan has been going along just like I have imagined haha but there might be a problem I might need to get someone to get rid of sakura she might get in the way of me getting the tailed 🦊 fox 🦊 sakura has naruto up around her finger but I will not let that happen I will rule this world no one is stoping me they will not get any chance no mercy I just need someone to spy on Naruto ahahaha come my assistant said ??? Yes sir said jack go and spy on Naruto for me and when you do bring him back but not now soon ?? Said okay sir I will let you know by said jack (who is the person? What happens when they all want naruto? What happens if tobi is behind all this? Find out next chapter but it will take time and enjoy support me by following me and reading it have a wonderful day!)

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