chapter 23

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(naruto's pov) I then took a shower but I couldn't help but notice I felt a pair of eyes staring at me I felt like I needed to hurry up naruto then stood up and got changed and hurryed and did his hair and he went down stairs ( yes it's a mansion) (??? Pov) I was waiting for my naru to hurry up but I couldn't help but notice someone was spying on naru MY naru but I will give him a punishment if he has told anyone he won't because he won't have a way too said the mysterious man. Then the mysterious man told Alex to  give naruto these clothes and Alex said yes sir is there anything I could do because I was just getting clothes for naruto then the mysterious man said I have a better idea he smirked about how it would look on his Naru he then gave the clothes to Alex and said to give these to naru, and he handed him a the clothes to give to naruto and Alex said okay and he left to go give naruto his clothes but Alex saw naruto have different clothes on when Naruto was in the living room (naruto's pov) Alex can up and told me to wear a black dress with a necklace?!? This is dumb I get to wear what I want🌸 (sorry if this is short☮️)

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