chapter 3

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(tsunade's pov) come in there I see naruto and sora) lady tsunade Naruto said me and sora saw him count dracula! He started saying that I will be his wife or something but he chased me and sora came to save me and we lost him I think? Wait Naruto was trying to say is what should we do tsunade sama? Said sora well did he follow you by any chance and also if Naruto gets captured then we will have a group of ninjas finding him and also naruto we will set up cameras in your apartment okay? Okay dattebayo!! Also can I have ramen!! I will also be hokage believe it! Said Naruto sure Naruto but be careful I'm warning you also sora if you see anything suspicious tell me or report it to anyone if you can't make it. Okay tsunade sama! Said sora (dracula's pov) hmm guess I have to keep an eye on naru-chan don't worry you will be mine soon even by force I will declarer war to this village hmm I guess naruto can be pregnant to hahaha you will realize we are meant to be naru-chan and once memma is born i will take both of you far away from this Cruel world!

•hope you enjoyed!•

: WORDS 218:

Naruto x yandere!count dracula Where stories live. Discover now