💖Chapter 32💖

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Yeah this one will be long but I think my fingers won't hurt but if they do I will take a break Back to the story!.
The pillers stood in shock and they quickly ran towards naruto was not bothering to ask their master they respected him but naruto was more important Shinobu then saw him and decided to sneak up on him and when she did she knocked him out she then said "Ara~Ara~ you thought you can escape~?" She then picked naruto up and told someone to take him to the butterfly estate and they did but they left tanjiro alone so he got up and left to find Naruto since they met when he was selling his charcoal (flash back) tanjiro was walking when he bumped into someone and when he saw who it was tanjiro then bowed and said GOMEN! And naruto said it's okay You Don't Have To Apologize It's My Fault It Is Truly And I Appreciate That You Said Sorry. And then naruto went his separate way leaving a shocked tanjiro but he had enough courage to run up to naruto and said "PLEASE BE MY FREIND YOU ARE TO KIND!" And naruto hugged him and said "you are now my friend" (flash back end💋) and misturi then said "Shinobu-chan what will happen to Naruto-kun" (hinata hyuga vibes) and shinobu said "he will be find Misturi he is being treated my Aoi in the butterfly estate" she said with a smile but on the inside she was smirking devilishly and they walked back to tell the other's that he is safe (yorrichi's pov) I woke up and noticed that naruto was NOT HERE?!? I can't believe I said I was going to protect him and look where that got me not saving him I can't believe I was So Stupid! I have to go find him before anybody else does..
(Butterfly estate) naruto woke up and saw he was in a different place and he looked around if Nezuko or tanjiro was there but no luck (also naruto dropped tanjiro on accident and he landed where Kaguya was) and naruto quickly got up and hide somewhere near and Someone came in and it was Aoi naruto did not know who she was but Before he went unconscious he heard someone say a girl named Aoi and naruto Assumed it was her because she has a tag that says Aoi and naruto quickly got up and ran towards her and quickly moved her before she could catch him and Aoi said "COME BACK HERE" but naruto was gone and he saw a Girl but he did not know her name so he quickly hide again but this time he ran out the Estate and he got lost in the forest but someone was near him and he saw it was Yorrich!? Naruto wasted no time in hugging him And he said "YORRICHI YOU CAME TO SAVE ME!" And yorrichi quickly said "yes naruto I came because I know my feeling towards you my love for you everything for you your my everything" and naruto backed away and said "yorrichi.. I'm sorry I can accept your feelings." And yorrichi quickly said "it's to late I saved you and now you owe me." And naruto was knocked out again.
(Sasgays/sasukes pov) "I sensed naruto's smell that Baka/idiot" sasuke then saw someone after him and he Quickly dogged the thing that was about to hit him and sasuke quickly said "MANGEYKO SHARIGAIN!" And sasuke ran towards the person but the person quickly got behind him so sasuke then Put Black fire or regular fire and he said "KOTOM!" As he was busy fighting there was a person absorbing sasukes attacks and they burned down the Trees not just a little The whole thing but they would just not stop Fighting sasuke wanted to defeat this person but the person blocked his attacks he made on him and sasuke only thought of one thing and that was Naruto he only wanted naruto nobody can have him if they did they will have to deal with sasuke uchiha but the other clans did not want to fight Sasuke some did some died .

(Yorrichi's pov) I quickly picked up My soon-to be bride and I quickly vanish nobody can find me and My naruto~ but my brother got turned into a demon I have not got to tell him how my love life has been travels and everything not even my missions but it is always someone who has to ruin it but I will not let them not untill I get my happy ending but I heard there was a boy Named :sasuke uchiha: the last suriver of the uchiha clan but he needs to find someone else🙄.
(Kanaos pov) I heard a noise behind those bushes but I could not find anybody but they did tell me that someone was coming to the butterfly estate But I Miss Kanae the Sister I Always Wanted.. but I showed no affection.. I feel guilty sad mad that I let her die it's all my fault.
(Tanjiros pov) I ran away but I can't find Naruto But I did know someone named M/n was coming but M/n was Naruto but Naruto is mine! It's not fair but I hope someone saves naruto and gives him to me I deserve him nobody else.






and this was long for me because I almost died today okay so I fell and I had to get the bacteria out Let Me TELL YOU IT BURNS LIKE HELL but I got over it and this was more then I could imagine
Also this was 965 words hope you love this 💋

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