chapter 15 (☮️special ☮️)

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It's been days since they have been friends garra had started catching feelings for him but today was the day that Naruto got kidnapped by dracula (Alex pov) sir dracula told me to kidnapp naruto today this will be troublesome I just have to knock him out but not to hard no harm towards naruto let's get going he said as he went in narutos apartment (they were both alseep) Alex then made sure naruto was knocked out and there he left and went to the dracula residents (dracula's pov) there he is my beautiful blond Alex tie him up on the bed dracula said okay sir Alex said as he put Naruto on the bed with chain's and left the room dracula got closer and woke him up (naruto's pov) naruto woke up and saw a strange man and naruto's eyes widen your the one who was a crazy lunatic naruto shouted trying to get away but he still came forward towards him


dracula then went close to naruto taking both of their clothes off and dracula spread naruto's legs open for dracula to put his dick in and naruto moaned "Ahh~" and dracula was lusting for more so he sped up and he wanted more of narutos moans so he bite naruto's nipple's and he started leaving hickey's on his neck and he unchained naruto and flipped naruto to his back revealing his bear ass and dracula put naruto's ass up in the air and he put his dick in and he started jerking off naruto "AHHH~" moans can be heard and dracula wanted more so he started leaving hickey's on each part and he grabbed naruto's head and put naruto's mouth on his dick and started going up and down but when dracula was satisfied he put Naruto back on the bed and Dracula started going faster and faster then he could ever do and Naruto was feeling sore but dracula kept thrusting in but When naruto had enough he cummed all over and dracula Smirked he got some of naruto's cum and naruto watched dracula put it in his own mouth he was shocked but dracula said "Time for round 2~" and naruto was terrified on what he just said he started to move back but it was not enough effort.
This was shitty but it's alright 🙇🛐

:WORDS 399:

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